Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Gun Control - Extermination of Defenseless People Isn't Predjudice!

Gun Control -
Extermination of Defenseless People
Isn't Predjudice!

I just received an email from a good friend about Gun Control and it asked me to forward it on and I will to several people, but I can't just pump stuff like that out to my email address database, so I decided to convert the email content into a blog post.  I hope you like it. 

I don't know about you or your feelings toward gun control.  I personally think it is ridiculous. 

If you control guns only the criminals will have them... They don't care if they are legal or not, they are criminals...


This little bit of Gun History came to me via an email...
I haven't checked out the specific numbers but know
many of the cases of extermination by government
from my history classes growing up.

After reading the following historical facts,
read the part about Switzerland TWICE!


In 1911, Turkey
established gun control.
From 1915 to 1917,
1.5 million Armenians,
unable to defend themselves,
were rounded up and exterminated.

In 1929, The Soviet Union
established gun control..
From 1929 to 1953,
about 20 million dissidents,
unable to defend themselves,
were rounded up and exterminated.

In 1935, China
established gun control.
From 1948 to 1952,
20 million political dissidents,
unable to defend themselves,
were rounded up and exterminated

In 1938, Germany
established gun control.
from 1939 to 1945,
a total of 13 million Jews and
others who were unable
to defend themselves were
rounded up and exterminated.

In 1964, Guatemala
established gun control
From 1964 to 1981,
100,000 Mayan Indians,
unable to defend themselves,
were rounded up and exterminated.

In 1956, Cambodia
established gun control.
From 1975 to 1977,
one million educated people,
unable to defend themselves,
were rounded up and exterminated.

In 1970, Uganda
established gun control.
From 1971 to 1979,
300,000 Christians,
unable to defend themselves,
were rounded up and exterminated

Defenseless people
rounded up and exterminated
in the 20th Century
because of gun
control: 56 million.

You won't see this data on
the US evening news,
or hear politicians disseminating
this information.

Guns in the hands of honest citizens
save lives and property and,
yes, gun-control laws adversely affect
only the law-abiding citizens!

Take note my fellow Americans,
before it's too late!

The next time someone
talks in favor of gun control,
please remind them of this history



During WWII the Japanese decided not to invade
America because they knew
most Americans were ARMED!

If you value your freedom,
please spread this
anti-gun control message to
all of your friends.

The purpose of fighting is to win.
There is no possible victory in

The sword is more important than the shield,
and skill is more important than either.

All else is supplemental.












Ok a little rant from me.  I don't like or support gun control.  I actually advocate every adult over the age of 18 or at least every family having a gun for personal protection from bad guys and potentially from our government, if and when the decide to strip this and other essential freedoms from us in their ultimate goal to "control our minds" the ultimate weapon...

Would love to hear your comments and remember, we are proud to be Americans!  The land of the FREE!
We sport our flags proudly, we speak our minds freely (or we used to - until people started getting added to potential terrorist lists for making posts like this... [Hi FBI, CIA, NSA.. BTW I am friendly]).

So even if you don't personally want to own a gun or you or a family member was injured as a result of a gun, keep in mind what you are either allowing to happen or even worse what you might be advocating.  If you don't want one, ask your neighbor to buy a couple of extras...  Call your Congressman!  Call your Senator.  Write a letter.  Copy this blog post (I stole the flag pics off the web, tried to get from gov't sites... but they aren't mine...)

Keep our freedoms and keep our flag high.  FREEDOM is the Greatest Thing we have in America! 


It is being eroded daily with new laws, bills, comittees, etc.   Lets not let them take the peoples guns.

I really don't feel like being exterminated!  Do YOU?

Chris Ormsbee is a Realtor and a licensed Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado. He works for Century 21 Action Realty in Montrose Colorado. The office is located at 1245 E Main St. Montrose, CO 81401. The office number is (970) 249-7777.

Chris Ormsbee is NOT an Accountant, CPA, Lawyer, Surveyor, Structural Engineer, Political Reporter or a certified Financial Planner. He is a basically normal dude who is also trying to become a better internet marketer and actually make money selling information on the internet.

Check out other ramblings and stuff as well at:
Facebook: ChrisOrmsbee
Real Estate Blogs:
Divorce Advice Blog:
This Wacky Blog:

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Star Wars 2009 - The Fall of the Republic -- or -- Money Grab - Fall of the USA

Star Wars 2009 - The Fall of the Republic -- or -- Money Grab - Fall of the USA

The tough thing about this blog post is the title... I am just not sure what to call it.

This shocking video I just watched outlined so many problems and concerns with some of the systems and fraudulent practices we have going on in society and government in general.

How does Henry Paulson (Secretary of the Treasury) get an ethics waiver (From the white house legal staff)? 

Why do Al Gore and Ben Bernanke both claim they have no involvement with Banks when there is factual evidence showing otherwise?

Why do the American people "Bail Out" the banks that caused the problem and then end up suffering for it, both now with tighten credt and draconian banking practices taking place with credit card companies and commercial banks?  Plus we will suffer far into the future.  We may never "recover" in our life time... 

All from a few puppet mens decisions controlled by powerful banking cartels of the uber wealthy. 

Watch this shocking video on YouTube

This video is a brain dump of my feelings of our government and its apparent lack of control or interest in looking out for the American people.

I was encouraged to see SOME of our congressmen and senators fighting for what is right. An Audit of the Federal Reserve Bank (probably will end up in imprisonment for at least the last three federal reserve chairman.)

A nationalization or re-governmentation of the Federal Reserve and or the Backing of our money. A pledge to avoid and refuse a global currency, or even continental currency. The Amero, The Euro or a global dollar, controlled outside of our country.

Then there is the Carbon Tax issue. What a scam!

I could go on and on, but this video greatly disturbed me because it contains all of my fears that we are in Star Wars 2009 and fighting for the Republic's survival and we are sitting back watching our football games, tv shows, movies or playing dumb games on the internet to distract us from the reality that we are being robbed in plain daylight by our government, by the Federal Reserve, by the Banks and by the Ultra huge corporations that control our society.

It makes me wonder what Ken Lay and Bernie Maddof did to piss someone off to even be called out or prosecuted, because if even 1/4 of what is in this video is true is is the biggest fraudulent money grab and scam of all of history.  And it seems that hardly anyone sees it coming.  Their propaganda machine of the Republicans an Democrats and the Sports and the Crime on TV and the Cops stopping the Crime on TV, the news the comedy all of it at least potentially designed to take our eye off the ball so we don't see them kick it past us.

In this video I discovered lots of I didn't know thats:

Like Obama sat as the Chairman of the UN Security Council served essentially as the "President" of the world for several days. For the first time ever and of course because it is illegal to do so. But it is instrumental in his act to "Save the Dollar" from the "Crisis" they created by "Dumping the Dollar for a Global Currency". I cannot believe this is even being talked about. Particularly if it is planned to be run as so many current monetary systems modeled after our faulty system that has no real basis (typically gold) for its money. It is strictly faith based.

Americans will be impovershed and enslaved and will be divided into two distinct classes surfs or servants whos lives do not matter.

That FEMA is building more detention camps.  That Obama is passing gun laws and extended detention laws to allow the government to detain people to prevent them from committing crimes they haven't yet comitted.  WTF?

It may happen slowly or it may happen fast, but it sure seems to be on the fast track.

We need to stand up and refuse to let it happen now! Before they get a stronger foothold and it becomes impossible. 

I didn't know the President had enacted an emergency anti terrorist bill to enable him to shut down the internet for example. I haven't verified this but it wouldn't suprise me. What worries me is that it will be used against the American people trying to rise up against the oppression, taxation and utter destruction of the once strong and vibrant American Economy. The have already deployed over 300,000 active troops in the US in case of civil unrest.

They have enlisted the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts to fight against rebellous civilian or boycotting former veterans. (I hate to mention it but that sure sounds similar to Hitler's "Group Brain Wash" propaganda game.)

They have enlisted citizen spys, cable guys, fireman, local law enforcement, etc. to spy on American people in their homes... in the name of preventing Terrorism. 

The Cap and Trade Bill will be an even larger invasion of privacy.  A license for every Home in America, with a federal inspection paid for by the home owner that will the penalize and/or require repairs at the home owners expense.  Essentially making it illegal to live in your home and you will likely be incarcarated for non payment of ridiculous stacking penalties that will fund more and more environmental police.  But even worse is the huge money grab and destruction of the American Economy.   

Maybe they work for the Queen and we are going back to the mother land... I really don't know.  I also don't know exactly what we can do about it but I would suggest at least spreading the word even if youdo it skeptically to cover your ass if it is wrong. 

But what if it is right?

What if this is really all happening and in progress... how do we stop it?  I believe we must find the answer quickly.
Sorry to leave you probably depressed or you think I am a wacko.  Either way hopefully this material touched you somehow and together we can all make the USA and the Planet and the World a better place.  But that doesn't mean we all need one government.  That is just insane and extreamly scary to me.  We fought for our freedom once.  It sounds like we may have to do it again.    Check this stuff out yourself.  Let me know if I am wrong in statements or assumptions... I like a good debate and this topic should surely start one.  If anyone is reading anyway. 

On a more positive note.  I cashed in a retirement account to pay bills and property taxes.  I was going to take a few hundred dollars and invest in the FAPTurbo Forex Trading Robot Software and put a couple hundred dollars in a FOREX account and let it trade it.

Here is the product

My question after watching this video is what currency would one want to hold if it became obvious or eminent that a global currency would be adopted?  My guess is it will be unannounced and swift, enforced in a marshal law like fashion.    Ideally gold and/or silver.

If there is only one currency is there even a Forex Market?

Hi Alan hope at least you see it!  Scary shit huh?  Have a beer or two for me while crusing the seas!

Chris Ormsbee is a Realtor and a licensed Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado. He works for Century 21 Action Realty in Montrose Colorado. The office is located at 1245 E Main St. Montrose, CO 81401. The office number is (970) 249-7777.

Chris Ormsbee is NOT an Accountant, CPA, Lawyer, Surveyor, Structural Engineer, Political Reporter or a certified Financial Planner. He is a basically normal dude who is also trying to become a better internet marketer and actually make money selling information on the internet.

Check out other ramblings and stuff as well at:
Facebook: ChrisOrmsbee
Real Estate Blogs:
Divorce Advice Blog:
This Wacky Blog:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Extraordinary Minds Come Together to Share with You!

Extraordinary Minds Come Together to Share with You!

Skip it and Click it:  Sign Me up for "The League of Extraordinary Minds"
Rich Schefren and Jay Abraham are orchestrating an Incredible Brain Bank to share over 50 of the worlds most extraordinary marketing and business minds.

It is actually called "The League of Extraordinary Minds"...

TheseExtraordinary Minds include:
Jay Conrad Levinson | Stephen Covey | Michael Gerber | Brian Tracy |
Jack Trout | Robert Cialdini | Tony Robbins | Fran Tarkenton |
Neil Fiore | Dan Ariely | Gary Vaynerchuk | Kevin Hogan | Al Reis |
Paul Zane Pilzer | Joseph Jaffe | Julie Morgenstern | Spencer Johnson |
Sergio Zyman | Michael Masterson | Barry Schwartz | Russell Granger |
Dan Hill | Michael Bosworth | Pam Danziger | Christophe Morin |
Ori Brafman | Joseph Jaffe | Dr. Paul Shoemaker | Bert Decker |
Paul Cherry | Vicki Kunkel | Bo Burlingham | Eric Flamholtz |
Kerry Patterson | Lou Adler | Brad Smart | Marilyn Tam | Jan Yager |
Nancy Ratey | Dave Crenshaw | Jim Murphy | Josh Waitzkin | Dan Millman |
Kathy Kolbe | Tom McCarthy | Marshall Thurber | Marshall Goldsmith |
Joseph Grenny | Jeffrey Pfeffer | Sam Deep | Tony Jeary | Herb Cohen |
Greg Hicks | John Kotter

Now I don't even know some of these folks, but if Rich Schefren and Jay Abraham are promoting this I know it will be hot and full of great business building and fresh marketing advice and ideas.

I bolded the Extraordinary People and Minds that I know above, but the fact that I don't know many of these guys excites me even more.  Fresh material for my brain to absorb....

So join me in this big Mind Meld!

So sign up now for your 6 weeks of extraordinary mastermind FREE seminar series. Just click here:

Extraordinary Mind Seminar

Chris Ormsbee is a Realtor and a licensed Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado. He works for Century 21 Action Realty in Montrose Colorado. The office is located at 1245 E Main St. Montrose, CO 81401. The office number is (970) 249-7777.

Chris Ormsbee is NOT an Accountant, CPA, Lawyer, Surveyor, Structural Engineer, Political Reporter or a certified Financial Planner. He is a basically normal dude who is also trying to become a better internet marketer and actually make money selling information on the internet.

Check out other ramblings and stuff as well at:
Real Estate Blogs:
Divorce Advice Blog:
This Wacky Blog:

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I love Tiger Direct for Computers and Electronics

I love Tiger Direct to buy all my Computers and Electronics

I love it so much, I decided I should put their link up in my blog. This link will show the deals of the week for a long time, so it remains good.

So go ahead and click the link above and shop your heart out!

Chris Ormsbee is a Realtor and a licensed Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado. He works for Century 21 Action Realty in Montrose Colorado. The office is located at 1245 E Main St. Montrose, CO 81401. The office number is (970) 249-7777.

Chris Ormsbee is NOT an Accountant, CPA, Lawyer, Surveyor, Structural Engineer, Political Reporter or a certified Financial Planner. He is a basically normal dude who is also trying to become a better internet marketer and actually make money selling information on the internet.

Check out other ramblings and stuff as well at:
Real Estate Blogs:
Divorce Advice Blog:
This Wacky Blog:

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Credit Crisis and Home Loans in America

Do we have a Credit Crisis especially on Home Loans in America?

As a Realtor, I am relatively certain that Credit is significantly tighter than it used to be a few years back. I also think I would also label it as "Crisis Level" especially for home loans!

You might be thinking or saying "Duh" or "Duh Dad" as my kids would say.

I try to read a lot of financial advisory kind of stuff, somewhat haphazardly and Internet directed (like front page of yahoo home page or misc news found on social sites like face book and twitter, often followed up by further links or googling of a topic...)  And this stuff is all over the place as far as analysis and advise, so its kind of hard sometime to really know what to think.

So I thought I will throw in my two cents... Thats why I have a blog.  

From where I am sitting, there is no doubt that there has been a significant tightening of standards on both credit score and income to debt ratios as well as appraisals.  The entire Home Loan process has gotten to be a "significant hurdle" to a Realtor's transaction going through, that would be my income we are talking about. 

Considering my recently decreased income, due to the lack of availability of "qualifiable" home buyers and the fact that for every one buyer we get we send away 10 buyers that would like to get a loan if they could, but they are too high of credit risk, too low of credit score, they might not have enough income, or enough provable and documented income, they might of been born in September when they are only loaning to people born in July...  Ok I am being a bit sarcastic and the lending institutions and banks have a right to want a better quality product, but I believe the pendulum may have swung too far.

The problem is in the past so many Americans relied on Credit Cards in down times and now in these down times, these credit card companies have gone wacko on us... They are raising interest rates at the drop of a hat for being one day late on a payment that was more than the minimum required (I know because it happened to me!).

Many of you probably know, but just in case, if you average or current balance exceeds 50% of your credit limit than you credit score gets docked at Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union and the other Credit Reporting Bureaus.  This reduced score as a result of your lower credit limits can reduce your ability to get a home loan, or make that home loan cost you more...  They get you coming or going!

Credit Card companies have been slashing peoples credit limits, many following down payments on large balances, effectively “freezing the card” and many just halving the allowable credit on customers with no balance at all.

Many speculate that Credit Tightening Crisis we are experiencing is part of the banks repositioning to ensure greater stability.  Many speculate it is a big money grab or "bank grab" by the Federal Government or the rich.  I really don't know!

I understand the goal of safe and stable but I question their overall logic. If they cause massive losses and bankruptcies who will they lend to and who will have money to save in their accounts?

The Rich I suppose! But the rich don't get service charges and fees, they don't bounce checks and they want a good return on their money, so where will the bank put their money to get this return? The Rich don't want to borrow it at the ridiculous bank rates that the bank needs to pay the Rich what they expect on a deposit account. So how will the Banks make any money?

The Banks, Credit Card Companies and the Home Loan Industry NEED the average Joe and Jill of America to pay all the loan fees, monthly account fees, overdraft fees, mortgage interest, credit card interest, etc.

My thought is with the current combined effect of personal lines of credit, credit cards being tightened simultaneously with no way for people to use their homes to refinance some of this debt, you will see a growing number of bankruptcies and further foreclosures and homes for sale or on the auction block, due to the inability for the consumer to maneuver like the banks and even our government maneuver, with credit (or a printing press).

Check out this cool site someone pointed out that shows the time line of the banks and I believe their market cap. I played with it for about 30 minutes.

Maybe the Rich may just let the Banks fail, buy up all the assets and then open up their own new banks and mortgage companies to give of us average folks home loans and credit cards and a place to have a checking account. 

Or maybe the Government will take over and instantly implement total socialism, taking over all private industry and giving us all "cushy" government jobs, with a National ID card we can use for everything from food to health care. 

Maybe you can get rich trading currencies on the Forex

What do you think?

Chris Ormsbee is a Realtor and a licensed Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado. He works for Century 21 Action Realty in Montrose Colorado. The office is located at 1245 E Main St. Montrose, CO 81401. The office number is (970) 249-7777.

Chris Ormsbee is NOT an Accountant, CPA, Lawyer, Surveyor, Structural Engineer, Political Reporter or a certified Financial Planner. He is a basically normal dude who is also trying to become a better internet marketer and actually make money selling information on the internet.

Check out other ramblings and stuff as well at:


Real Estate Blogs:

Divorce Advice Blog:

This Wacky Blog:

Friday, September 18, 2009

Obama Calls Kanye West a Jack Ass - I agree!

"Obama Calls Kanye West a Jack Ass"

Watching Insider... Scary but important life changing stuff... hahaha

They played the tape where Obama calls Kanye a Jack Ass.

I say So What?

Obama calls Kanye West a Jack Ass and the tape is leaked... 

I don't see what the big deal is Kanye was a "Jack Ass" to go up and screw with Taylor Swift receiving her award.  President Obama did not think he was "on tape" or at least "on tape that would be used".  He even said "cut the President some slack".

I still say no big deal other than it is detracting from important issues.  At least he isn't redefining the meaning of sex like President Clinton did...  I bet Monica could of used this book to keep bill happy...

As one reporter or person suggested Kanye was on the Hennessy.  He looked kinda trashed to me on the tapes I saw...  I would suspect that was a big part of it... the Alcohol and over the brimming self confidence!

"The Insider" then speculates if the Media is turning on the "once popular" Obama...  but goes on to say that Politico (the owner of the tape) takes video tape of President Obama off their web site.  But "The Insider" played a copy...

Next on Oprah discusses her relationship and why it works defined on her own terms... says it would be different if she was in a traditional "marriage" relationship.

Chris Ormsbee is a license Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado, but he is also a person and an Internet Marketer.

Check me out as well at:

ACORN is a Very Helpful Organization!


Check out these "Scandalous" ACORN Videos and let me know what you think?

Pretty amazing! 

Isn't ACORN a helpful organization? 

Again I fall back on my long term stance that our Government is too big, when you have one "arm" trying to cut the other "arm" off.

In fairness, ACORN was setup here...  I might of fallen for that "prostitute" actress too... haha   I do actually think prostitution should be legal in the US, but not for underage teens.  I just think of it is another Black Market created by Government laws that we have requested or allowed to be created over the years.  

As a Realtor, of course I think of all that vacant commercial space that could be used up by brothels... They say America has evolved into a service industry.  Hmmm? 

There is a reason the old saying states "Prostitution - The Worlds Oldest Profession"...  :-)

Check out your prostitute, your business advisor, your accountant or your cheating spouse...
People Search - Click Here! or Private Investigation - Click Here!

Out of Control Government

We are in scary times and I think we need to take what action we can to curb this ridiculous trend.

Chris Ormsbee is a license Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado, but he is also a person and an Internet Marketer.  Chris is also a Realtor and works for Century 21 Action Realty in Montrose Colorado, located at 1245 E Main St.   The office number is (970) - 249-7777.  

I am not an accountant or an attorney, but I do hire them on occassion.  I am mostly opinionated, but I have slept at a Holiday Inn Express before...

Check my other stuff out at:

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Its Sexy Time!

As Borat would Say Its Sexy Time!

In pursuit of being an information marketer, I just stumbled across these interesting products on Clickbank under Home and Family...  Pretty Self Explanatory, but worth a look...  :-)

Blow by Blow - How any Woman can make a Man scream!

Blow by Blow Instruction Manual

Lick by Lick - How any Man can make a Woman squirm!

Lick by Lick Instruction Manual

No Woman to Lick?  Try this out:

Read the Book Tonight and Approach a Woman Tomorrow

Chris Ormsbee is a license Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado, but he is also a person and an Internet Marketer.

Check me out as well at:

Irresponsible Governments, Corporations and Individuals? Serious?

Check out this article a friend of mine (Thanks Alan!) posted up to facebook today... It got my attention!

If your scared to click my links... Basically it talks about the top 7 most socially and environmentally irresponsible companies in America and lists them as:

Nestle - Chocolate (child/slave labor), water (under several brands) pumping acquifers dry...

Chevron - Includes Texaco they acquired.  Environmental damage and disregard.  Caused Rainforest Chernobyl in Eqcuador dumping 18 billions gallons of toxic production waste into streams locals used.  Richmond California contamination.

Wal-mart - Employment practices, lack of concern over child labor for products it sells, constant squeezing of profit margin (cost reduction of suppliers).  Viloating Storm Water Runoff Regulations.

Pfizer - Air and Water Pollution, preventing generics and overpricing "life saving" aids drugs, etc. "Worst of all, the company that has little regard for safety standards – having released a number of drugs that ended up being pulled off the market for unforeseen complications – decided to test one of its drugs on poor, critically ill Nigerian children. Masking the trial as a “humanitarian mission”, Pfizer tested an experimental antibiotic called Trovan on meningitis-infected Nigerian children without their knowledge or the knowledge of their families. 11 children died, and others developed brain damage and crippling arthritis."

Monsanto - "Monsanto still reigns supreme. It’s hard to overstate just how socially and environmentally irresponsible this company really is. Monsanto has manufactured herbicides (which, during manufacturing, create dioxin as a by-product), Agent Orange, plastics, fuel additives, saccharin, industrial fluids, fertilizers, pesticides and anti-freeze in the past. Some years ago they chose to focus on ‘life sciences’ and are now the world’s largest seed company. They’re also the creators of Recombitant Bovine Growth Hormone (rGBH) and the world’s largest producer of genetically modified food."


"Monsanto is responsible for more than 50 Superfund sites including Anniston, Alabama, one of America’s worst man-made environmental disasters. For over 40 years, Monsanto routinely dumped toxic waste into West Anniston Creek while producing now-banned industrial coolants called PCBs. They also dumped millions of pounds of PCBs into open-pit landfills – and proceeded to spend decades covering it up even after confirming that fish submerged in the creek turned belly-up within seconds."
"Monsanto knew exactly how dangerous the PCBs were, but chose to keep it secret, altering documents and forcing changes to study results to keep the secret. Though they were forced to pay $700 million in fines in 2003, they have not apologized or taken responsibility."

Dow - Continues to pollute the earth without apology... History of Agent Orange (with Monsanto) - Vietnam herbicidal war (led to 400,000 deaths and disabilities and 500,000 children with birth defects. , Napalm!  "Furthermore, following the purchase of Union Carbide – the company responsible for the Bhopal gas disaster which left nearly 20,000 people dead and hundreds of thousands disabled – Dow has refused to take responsibility for the health and environmental effects of the incident"

Exxon Mobile - Can you say Valdeez?  Plus tons of other environmental violations and a paid lobbiest effort to stop/prevent alternate sources of energy...  Claiming to be making efforts to alternate energy 300,000,000 vs 47,000,000,000 for "dirty energy"

I am not a tree hugger and while I am certain these companies have done many wrongs, they have probably done many good things as well.  I think the real questions we need to ask ourselves are:

  • Are you responsible? 
  • Is the Company you work for responsible?  
  • Are the Companies, that you support financially by buying things from them, responsible?
  • Is our Government in the US is responsible?

If your answer is no to any of these questions, then ask yourself what you are going to do about it.   Talk to your co-workers, friends, family, write a congressman, talk to the PR department, if you feel there is injustice or wrong, do something about it...  Don't buy things from "Bad" companies wherever and whenever possible and tell them about it.

Chris Ormsbee is a license Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado who works at Century 21 Action Realty in Montrose Colorado.  There address is 1245 E Main St, Montrose, CO 81401 and their phone number is (970) 249-7777.   Whatever you do don't tell his boss he is wacky she might fire him or something scary!  The opinions expressed here are soley the opinions of the author and his imaginary friends he talks to every day.

Chris Ormsbee is not a lawyer or an accountant but he is a "real" person and an Internet Marketer and he has occasionally slept at THE Holiday Inn Express!




Help him make a buck by clicking on of his ads and buying something cool, or
Check out his other blogs and stuff at:



On Facebook as myself: ChrisOrmsbee

Real Estate Blog:

Divorce Advice Blog:

Wacky Ideas, Thoughts and Whatevers:

Friday, September 11, 2009

How To Cook Like a Pro!

Cook Food That Tastes Just Like the Restaurants!

Ok I stumbled onto this product the otherday wandering through Clickbank...

It looked cool to me and I want to order one, but before I do I want to see if anyone else will order one...

Basically it is all the secret restaurant recipies that you can make at home, without tipping a waiter or waitress (I always do when I go out so it adds 20% to the bill!).  Two chefs "re-created" these recipies and put them all into a book... Actually an ebook...

Then they sweetened the pot and added several other specialty recipie books as bonuses... I always was a sucker for the Ginzu Knife salesman and if you order now you will get this, this and this free... Wow. 

But seriously I think this book looks handy. 

I am a single guy, 46 and basically don't know how to cook.  I eat out a lot and my kids are picky eaters... The only things they like that I make are:  Tacos - the real deal (except the packet seasoning I use and augment with garlic, more pepper and real onions..., Hamburger Helper Cheesy Macaroni or whatever, Totinos Pizzas - again I augment with some garlic and additional cheese, but they like the crust. 

Now when we go to my Girlfriends my kids usually will eat the food she cooks and I love her food, but still I think it would make life easier for both of us if we could make stuff taste just like the kids like it from the restaurant.

Times are tough right now and money is tight...

That is why I am trying to market "stuff" on the internet... My local economy is very small and it makes it difficult to start any type of business.  I am a Realtor, but home sales are slow at the moment, volume is about 25% of what it was 2 years ago.  So I am having to cut back on my expenses like eating out and I hate to raise my children on the three dishes I mentioned...  So I plan to buy this book to see if I can cook!

I need to sell 5 before I buy it, so help me out... take a look at it and if you are like me and you want to be a better cook, then just buy the book...  Just click here.

I think I make about $7 per purchase, so if a couple of you buy, I can and will buy the book and try it out.  If a couple thousand of you buy, then I will be able to go out to eat and won't have to worry about cooking, so either way I think it could possibly solve my kids hate my cooking problem...

Chris Ormsbee is a BAD COOK... I AM NOT KIDDING ONE BIT!!!

Chris Ormsbee is a license Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado.  He works for Century 21 Action Realty in Montrose, CO 81401 at 1245 E Main St, right on the NW corner of Main St. and San Juan Ave.
Chris Ormsbee is not a lawyer or an accountant but he is a "real" person and an Internet Marketer and he has occasionally slept at THE Holiday Inn Express!

Check his other stuff out at:

On Facebook as myself: ChrisOrmsbee

Real Estate Blog:

Divorce Advice Blog:

Wacky Ideas, Thoughts and Whatevers:

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Can Pigeons be Used for List Building and Internet Marketing?

Internet Speeds and Data Transfer Rates Still Amazingly Slow in Places!  Can Pigeons help?

Check out this hilarious article a friend found and posted for me/us to enjoy... Thanks Michael!

I think the lesson to be learned here from an Internet Marketing perspective is that regardless of how fancy, fast or automatic the internet may get for us... Not all of our prospective clients are plugged in!

What can we do about it?  Two choices as I see it:

1.  Do Nothing and continue to spend a fortune on offline advertising and snail mail based mailings of post cards and Wow mail (What the hell is this?).  I must say I am often amused by the creativity of some of these folks.

2. Government Supplied High Speed Broadband Internet for ALL even the illegal aliens, martians and venetians.  I see no other choice to reasonable market share for internet marketers than to make this "Change" for the better of all.  We need and should support "Government Provided and Mandated Internet Service".  Everybody deserves the internet... Google and Facebook and Twitter and what about YouTube.  Who on the face of this earth should be deprived of YouTube?  I mean come on people, someone can afford this!  We need it an you know in your hearts it is right! 

Maybe the IRS could enlist carrier pigeons to collect the extra taxes required.

If you have any ideas at cost effectively penetrating these poor derived folks that don't have internet.  Please share them with me.

Thanks!  Chris

Chris Ormsbee is a license Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado. He works at Century 21 Action Realty, 1245 E Main St. Montrose, CO 81401.  (970) 249-7777. 

Technically he is a Broker Associate, which means he works for a Broker Owner.

So what is the difference between a Real Esate Broker, a Licensed Real Estate Agent and a Realtor? Actually they can all be the same thing.

Technically, we become a client's "agent" once they sign a contract with us to hire us to help them either buy or sell a home.

If they don't sign a contract "Exclusive Right to Sell" ("Sellers Agent") or an "Exclusive Right to Buy" ("Buyers Agent"), then by default we work as "Transaction Brokers".

A good way to explain the difference (taught to me at Jones Real Estate College now known as Kaplan) this is that a Broker working as a Buyer or Seller's Agent is like a Coach who wants his team to win. He knows the rules of the game, but has a vested "fiduciary" duty to ensure the Client gets the best price possible regardless of what side they are on.  Thats why he/she cannot possibly represent both sides in this manner.

A "Transaction Broker" is more like a Referee (compared to a coach), he knows the rules of the game and makes sure they are followed but isn't for either side and doesn't give advice to either side.

If a Realtor is positioned as a Buyer or Sellers agent and then finds the other side of the transaction he/she must inform his client and request their permission to "switch hats" from Coach to Referee.  At no time after this change is the Realtor allowed to share any confidential information like lowest acceptable price or highest price a buyer would go.  He/she must remain neutral.

Chris Ormsbee is not a lawyer or an accountant but he is a "real" person and an Internet Marketer and he has occasionally slept at THE Holiday Inn Express!

Check his other stuff out at:

On Facebook as myself:  ChrisOrmsbee
Real Estate Blog:
Divorce Advice Blog:
Wacky Ideas, Thoughts and Whatevers:

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

09/09/09 - Whats the big deal?

Saw this interesting article on my Yahoo home page about the "significance" of 09/09/09.

I don't really think I buy much of it... but it is interesting.

Why is 09/09/09 So Special?

Why So Special

Are you Superstitious about Numbers?   Anything else?

Do you think marketing on the internet is a bunch of mumbo jumbo and requires superstitious rituals?

Maybe you should check out Zero Friction Marketing at Zero Friction Marketing

Chris Ormsbee is a license Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado, but he is also a Plain Old Person and an Internet Marketer.  (Thats kindof wierd in 3rd person isn't it?)

Check me out as well at:

Most Stressful Places 2009! Crazy Montrose Morning Traffic!

The Stress in Montrose Colorado

Saw an article the other day on yahoo at

Titled "America's Most Stressful Cities 2009" by Sarah Lynch with

She identified the following:
1.  Chicago, IL
2.  Los Angeles, CA
3.  New York, NY
4.  Cleveland, OH
5.  Providence, RI

Now I know very little about these places in general, but I have spent a fair time in the Denver area so I have had to deal with bumper to bumper traffic jams, similarly I have experienced #2 Los Angeles CA traffic first hand on business or pleasure trips to Cali! 

Here is what I do know... Here is a picture driving into work this morning around 7:00 AM and the horrific traffic on Main St in Montrose Colorado... Scary isn't it.  Actually in all fairness, South Townsend is busier and the crowd here is more intense around 8:00 AM, occassionally you do actually have to sit through a cycle on a light, or the City of Montrose will redo a medium and block off two lanes of traffic to actually cause a slight increase in blood pressure... but overall Montrose is pretty mellow as far as traffic induced stress is concerned.   Real estate prices and unemployment are another matter, while we are not in a free fall, It is definitely a buyers market.  While we don't have the highest unemployment rates, we are ahead of the state and behind the nation (per the official stats...)

If you work remotely like say your an internet marketer... Then this could be a perfect place...  If you are looking for a job, its worth a visit to land it before you move here...

Or maybe make a bunch of money as a Forex Ninja Mega Mega Bot with this...

Then Call me we have sweet Golf Course homes and lots available as well as your average homes:

Good day!

Chris Ormsbee is a license Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado, but he is also a person and an Internet Marketer.

Check me out as well at:

Monday, September 7, 2009

Outrageous and Wacky! Does it work in Marketing?

Outrageous and Wacky Topics and Images!

Do they draw Eyeballs?

What are some outrageous topics?

  • Some are just wacky or distintive persona or image... e.g. Bozo the clown, Donald Trump, Kennedy (any Kennedy...)
  • Some are sexy, scantily clad, lots of skin, a little cleavage, or for the ladies a buldge, lets face it it always gets a double take (at least it works on me.)
  • Some are scandalous - shocking story e.g. boy kills loving mother...  or how about teacher caught having sexual relations with a student... woman has 98 cats in her home...

I am just new to this stuff and am awating a new book from Bill Glazer of Glazer and Kennedy (Dan Kennedy - no relation to the wacky/distinctive bunch mentioned above) and they talk about Outrageous Marketing.  

I would say from my list above, these types of people and subjects do draw eyeballs and probably more cheaply than the traditional method of advertising... Let face it we get blasted with thousands of ads a day and the odd ones tend to stick with us, maybe because it was funny, maybe it was offensive, maybe it was based around or about someone distinctive and famous... kindof small talk worthy.

I hope to learn to be more outrageous and have Bill Glazer be proud of me some day for being wackily outrageous and making a bunch of money or saving a bunch of money on otherwise expensive marketing. 

I'm not really feeling a big chest tattoo or a nose and nipple ring or anything and I am beyond sexy (too old and gut and man-boobs too large), so showing skin does me little good...  My daughter thinks I should either spike my hair or let it grown long like when I was 12, so my bangs hang over my face... I'm not feeling this either....We will just have to see what I can come up with.

I think in general most of my ideas are realtively wacky enough to be categorized as Outrageous, but I am sure I can learn even more...  I look forward to the Journey and yes you should be scared.

Any suggestions appreciated.

Chris Ormsbee is a license Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado, but he is also a Real Person and an Internet Marketer.

Check me out as well at:

What do you think of Education? TED Says!

I love TED check it out on YouTube  or at - This particular video is about education and ideas and creativity... Cool huh?

Chris Ormsbee is a license Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado, but he is also a person and an Internet Marketer.

Check me out as well at:

Cloud Shot! What do you think?

Just snapped this today!
What does this cloud look like to you?

Chris Ormsbee is a license Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado, but he is also a person and an Internet Marketer.

Check me out as well at:
Twitter:  ChrisOrmsbee, ProfRealEstate, YourCOREAdvisor,
On FaceBook:
Your CORE Advisor Website and Blog:
The Divorce Workshop:
Ideas Thoughts and Whatevers:

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Politics - Lefty Socialists (-1) vs Right Wing Wackos (+1) People (0)

Man Down, Van Jones is down!

Politics - seems I spend way too much time thinking on this subject. 

Just saw this breaking Yahoo FP News:
Essentially (Left -1, Right +1, People nothing!)

Government is a tough place to play.  I really try to stay out of politics as much as possible so I didn't know much about Van Jones really, and now it would seem I didn't need to.  Losing your job usually sucks no matter who you are though so I empathize a bit.  Occasionally losing a job can be good, not usually, but sometimes.  They say things happen for a reason!

He did "resign" after all!  So he supposedly quit, but we all know thats not how it really works in the big world of politics...

My facebook account states my political affiliation as "Conservative turned Anarchist" and while most would better define this as a "Libertarian" I think the way I put it is more fun and sends a substle sarchastic message of we are fed up with the out of control government.

Some level of  government is essential, evil and risky, but essential! 

Still this government or essentially a committee or an elected board if you compare it to your home owners association.

These "groups", "governments", and "committees" and "boards" are all scary because anytime you get a small group of "elected" or "appointed" people in one place together with a "mission to SOLVE something" (that may or may not really be a problem, kindof doesn't matter in committee-land, Then these people start to feel "real special" about themselves and their extra dutys they have been assigned.

Their feathers get all ruffled up and they "feel good"... Almost intoxicated and they come up with these ideas of how to "help the people". Then reality hits, and that corn cob ends up in the wrong place, you just can't please everyone.  Or maybe that intern supplied by the lobbyist (because he want to win over your intense power) ends up talking a little too much...  Then the wife is pissed off and wont give you any lovin, life just really starts to suck.

Everyone always says don't bitch unless you have a solution so here it goes...
My Solution to Government
Heres my view of Government Reform Necessary  as Anarchist-alistic and Wacko as it may be :

Military - as long as we are the "United" States, then we should have a federal military to protect our borders and protect invasion from anyone who attempts to come in and force us to change our combined beliefs and laws or guidelines, of behavior, essentially.  Free as we are or aren't, we do have some rules.

Probably keep some fashion Integrated of the FBI/CIA/Secret Services - As much as I hate the concept of big brother, if he is watching my back, I like him!  If he is giving me a rectal exam I don't!

And our friends at the IRS - As much as we all hate them, the governement, any government does need a method of funding itself.  Keep em, just gut the laws and make it simple.  Like a flat tax, or X percent of what you pay to the state.  Maybe even let them collect for the states (on contract) since they are such a huge deal.  Who knows, but we do need some taxes and some means of making sure everyone is paying their fair share.

USPS - Keep it!  Cap the stamp infation rate to the average of all states inflation.  Mostly self sufficient as they should be.

The Fed - Central Bank - FDIC etc.  - Wow!  What a wacky bunch.  I don't know!  Is this where the Amero comes in?  Anyway, we need some kind of money.   Wish I had more to say!

Judicial Branch & System - I really don't know what to do with this... Probably largely leave it alone, but maybe empower the states to over-rule the federal courts if they could get a majority vote from the states supreme courts, or maybe have clans or small groups of states that agree upon one interpretation or version of a law.  Not really sure... The concept of innocent till proven guilty seemed a good one, but seems to not exist in much of our law enforcement, innocent but sitting in jail. 

In general I think less laws would be better than more laws, we have created this extreamly complex subjective set of rules and cases open to interpretation by individual judges... In many ways it is great and in others it is greatly lacking, and kind of a joke.  Still we don't get as much press in this area and I haven't researched any of this, they are just wacko ideas, thoughts and whatevers...

Federal Standards Committee - A nationally elected comittee representing the states that maintains and edits and suggests possible revision of the standards to congress and the senate.  They would also be charged with disseminating this information to the state level.   This is how you build a section of Interstate Highway to keep the "label", This is the purity accepted of water to be called pure... This is the suggested safe national speed limit... etc.  Simple answers to simple questions... haha  But seriously this would be part of the states "franchise" package where it was a suggested standard and any deviation needed to be noted where applicable (like to the consumer) if it was different.   Like consumer reports of state governments.  This could encompass or oversee or interact with the FTC, SEC, CDC etc.

Wipe out just about everything else! haha I probably forgot a few important ones, but lets see I think you could  Eliminate the FDA, EPA, DEA... OSHA - these if they exist should be like standards comittees that define what is handed out to the states as suggested guidelines,  not an enforcement policing agency, that should be up to the states. 

 I believe is best dealt with at a state, the district, county or parish,  and to the extent possible the community level because many states, counties, communities, kind of cause their own problems with their laws, their building incentives or walls of resistance to growth, essentially their rules and regulations and its manual and inspectors or cops that enforce the rules and regulations and how complicated of a game it is to play when a business is operating in that state. 

So in many ways I think states or communities should solve their own problems! 

I also think there is not feasibly one solution that could ever exist at the Federal Level that would truly appease the needs let alone the desires of the States and the people of these United States that live in them.

What about National Disasters?  Obviously people would still contribute to a cause when the need arose, just because of human nature e.g. tornado, hurricane, etc.

But I still do think the State should handle it and be possibly be labeled with a risk score (by the fed standards comittee) based on likely hood of natural disasters etc and what they have done to abate the "damage" from frequentlly reoccuring disasters, e.g. building codes.   If their risk code is high for whatever reason, then they would have to contribute more to the National Federal Relief Programs if there was one.

States should be allowed to further enhance or cut them back as prudent in their area.

In general where I am suggesting all control be handed down to the state level I think there would also be a "United Comittee" at the federal level that served to address the key issues of the entitee.  Probably 2-3 members from each states corresponding committee (elected from their peers and/or constituents as the states saw fit)  At this level the states would share what they were doing, what was working and what wasn't working, so it would enable evolution of government at a more rapid pace... Theoretically improvement of government.

I think, it would also revive the people of this country into believing their voice could actually be heard... If the "real" rules were up to the States, anyone person can much more easily have an influence in their state than on a national level.

These United (National) Comittees could go down to the sub-level as well,  but I really doubt it too necessary... The states and the various non-profit and for-profit companies that they worked with could host big united conventions education symposiums, trade shows, little squishy stress relievers etc. But at the end of the day if Utah wanted to do something different than Colorado then so be it.  That would be each states personal perogative.  The states each could have their own set of rules and regulations and methods of enforcement.

This approach I believe would keep our country free-er... The bigger and more centralized government gets the more "forced standardization and compliance" gets forced down our throats and then we get the bill for the pleasure.
Social Service/Welfare (Standards Comittee establish required data and format to allow easy transfer from one state to the next) Think this could also be pushed to the states and integrated into the State level based version of the CHFDADs (see below)
DOT - Interstate Transportation (Standards Comittee at least probably push policing down to the state level),
FDA - Food Drug Administration & CDC & HCA Health Care Administration Provider/Mgr or whatever - should be replaced with one agency at the federal level anyway and the rest of the work pushed down to the state level with a templated system (essentially franchised) that they can follow if they want to, maybe certain standards and requested data, but not essential or enforced obligated adherance as we have now.  This One Organization probably called some acronymn thing like State Community, Health, Food and Drug Administration & Distribution!  The SCHFDAD (So Cool High Five DAD! jk) probably all be put in one and could include the distribution of drugs and its corresponding taxation. 

DEA and ATF feed the Judicial System customers and I think the DEA and ATF could be wiped out entirely if all drugs were made legal (at least at the federal level), let the states deal with it and establish drug purity standards etc. in the FDA like comittee at the fed level. 

Alcohol and Tobbaco are both "drugs" anyway and firearms are a constitutional right I was once told.

So why do we need these guys?... 

Oh yeah, so people like Janet Reno can get their "groove" on in Waco.  And we can make TV shows and have something to talk about in the news.  Of course there was necessary collateral damage, dead people.

And based on the movies I have seen (that really is my only knowledge of the matter), the DEA is extreamly corrupt and to a large extent trying to force our policies on other countries and in some cases the states, in some cases involving our military to enforce our laws on another people.

If you legalize all drugs, perscription to street then you immediately eliminate the need for these organizations and allow the states to enforce their own laws if they want to.  You relieve a huge burden off of border control and stop a huge reason that people are sneaking across the border anyway.

You get taxes from the distribution of "clean tested for efficacy and purity" drugs of all types, perscription, tobacco, pot, lsd, acid, heroin, cocain, speed, even the nastiest of the nasty meth.  If anyone is stupid enough to do that nasty shit, they need help... our system right now doesn't provide them that help.  Our system instead will force them to break the law in a number of ways, first posession, then probably driving under the influence, then probably stealing to get the next fix, then probably dealing to keep getting fixes, then probably getting involved in a gang or black market distribution network to get the best supply, you get the point. 

The original goal for someone doing drugs whether it is alcohol, tobacco or meth is to escape!  Escape the pain, escape the stress, relax, get pumped up when you are down, whatever, every person I have ever know that did any type of drugs was trying to escape something.  We take perscription drugs to escape death, scary looking sores, or pain for example.  A person seeks a drug of any type out because they have a pattern in their mind or a perception that the drug will help them at that moment.  I am not saying they are right, but I am saying that it happens everyday to millions of americans... it is just a question of what are they reaching out for. 

I think they should be able to pick what they reach out for.  I DO NOT endorse trying to get everyone to try drugs for the hell of it.  I DO NOT want everyone to be a junky... Just the opposite actually!  But I do think that by cutting off the dealers and gangs at the knees and redeploying the money into an efficient drug distribution system it would alleviate a whole lot of problems and save a whole lot of money and in the long run make this country a much better safer place to live where there was less stress, fear and illness to begin with.

The taxation from this and the "relative" ease of acquisition might tempt many into an abusive cycle, but right now in our wonderful economic times people are blowing their heads off in some cases.  I would suspect do to the inability to handle stress.  If the drugs weren't perceived as illegal, it would eliminate a big hurdle to allowing an addicted person get the help. 

Just added this article link about Stress Benefits, that Tony Robbins just posted up to Facebook.

The integration of a Health Care Comittee (appointed with 2-3 reps from each state, with a specialty area presumably, cover administration, cover methods and technologies, cover success rates and statistics.  Then at the federal level there could be a Fed group that mulls over the presentations basically from the 50 states and makes recommendations as to the best results, higest efficiencies in cost and lifes and again makes recommendations out to the states.   Within the Fed jurisdiction they could mandate that each state provided an affordable coverage option maybe even a "state" based option, I don't know, but the point is the states then would again have the authority to evolve and improve, rather than stagnating medicine in the path of the corporate pyramid.  Technologies, testing, etc. could be handled differently on a state by state level, with some min standards set forth by the feds, but companies (for profit and hopefully some big philinthropic dudes might even start a non-profit medical solution... pharmaceuticals, technology for treatments, insurance solutions for groups and/or states.    The main point in this wacky idea is to encourage freedoms at the State level to allow evolution of medicine, technology and even administration... Government should always be trying first and foremost to find a better cheaper way to do things for us... We do need them in some form I believe, but it should be lean and mean and cost effective for what it provides.

OK enough political rants, too much time already, but hey check out this cool looking tool:

WARNING!  FULL DISCLOSURE...  If you click that link and think its as cool as I did and buy it, then I might make money, unless you decide to ask for a refund, and then I wont... 

Help a "starving Realtor"   :-)

Chris Ormsbee is a license Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado, He is not an accountant, or a lawyer, basically just a "dude" or a person and "FNG" Internet Marketer!  Former "Geek", BS CS,  Trash Hauling, Steel Slinging, Tower Climbing lazy ass Mofo.  Recovering Amway, Shaklee and Mannatech member has had a stint in the "trenches", but somehow "still believes" in MLMs or as they are now called Network Marketing and now even more he believes in Internet Marketing and possibly the crossed and combined TNM - True Network Marketing (via the internet...)

Check my thoughts and ideas about Real Estate, Divorce, Internet Marketing, Network Marketing and Whatever as well at:

Facebook -
My Main Real Estate Blog -
My Divorce/Relationship Advice "Niched" Blog -
My Ideas Thoughts & Whatevers on

First Blogger Ideas, Thoughts & Whatevers Blog Post!

Ok just what I need another Blog. Right?

Chris Ormsbee's Blog About Ideas, Thoughts & Whatevers

Quit reading now if you're afraid of rambling long posts... I mean I do strive to improve, but THIS Blog is kindof intended for that purpose.

And probably don't subscribe unless you are also brave, because I will probably be all over the place...

I might try to use this Blog kindof as my todo list and record my quest through being a Realtor and my journey to become a Premier Internet Marketer. So I WILL SELL HERE! If you don't like links and ads... STAY AWAY! YOU ARE NEVER FORCED TO BUY! I understand that if you are weak willed when it comes to strong sales copy you are reading "partially to learn" then don't blame me... I know how you feel I do it all the time.. I have spent over 30K on "courses" in the last two years, searching for a better way.

I need to monetize it and get it implemented, Right or Wrong... Action is required! This Blog will hopefully allow me to gain some action quicker in the "Hot" but "Ultra Competetive Internet Marketing" Trainer market. I don't claim to be a "guru" yet, cause I haven't completed all the programs.

But I WILL BECOME A PREMIERE INTERNET MARKETER! Why would I want to do that you might ask?

Ill tell you why...

So I can travel around the world on a whim and attend all these cool sounding Internet Marketing (IM) Conferences that I haven't been able to go to yet.

I want to be able to Surf with Frank Kern,

Mountain bike with Jeff Walker,

Sit in Shawn Caseys nice library and discuss IM, Play around of Golf (I don't even play yet, but with IM I should have time to learn and if its something I am interested in for whatever reason, then I intend to determine a way to monetize it!)

Hang with Matt Bacak on his property,

Try Hot Sauce with Tellman (who knows maybe even Run with Tellman),

Hang with Tony Robbins and let him program me for a few hours and shoot a video like Kern and John Reese just did.

Hang with Jay Abraham & Spike Humer and brainstorm new affiliate marketing/joint venture deals/barter/discount/licensing/coop deals and record it all to share with you. Spend a day with

John Carlton - the king of copy writing. Shoot a potato gun with Russell Brunson, Go to Jeff Mills Midwest Super Conference.

Tap into Howie Schwartz's mind and his team with all their tools and tweak my niches to overdrive and then present at one of his events... He says he is retiring but I am not sure I believe him.

Meet and visit with Carrie Wilkinson, Perry Belcher, Ewen Chia and all the other thousands of gurus out there I am probably forgetting.

Then I would post all these things up to this blog or maybe a niched IM blog I don't have yet.

So obviously one things I need to do is start doing video, but you wouldn't want to see me right now... I am in Bed and usually don't wear pajamas... I know TMI, but I do want to embrace video... its so raw and efficient for both sides...

Then I want to take this and regurgitate it into a map or review style site... possibly, not sure...

Then with my own product in hand, sell conitinually, evolving, versioned product for millions of dollars to once and for all... solve all my money problems, eliminate my stress about where and when the next paycheck will come from, or how I will make the mortgage payment or the Child support payment etc. How my kids will go to college, how I will ever retire... Where is my next tank of gas going to come from?

I really like the sound of the hanging with the "gurus" and "ninjas" much better... Cruising in the Ferrari! Or showing up in the Limo! Taken the jet across the country... Sounds sweet to me!

This Blog - will likely be all over the place in my various ventures, crossing them all...

My brain dump blog, or scratch paper blog, if you will, that will allow me to then refine and pull snipits of this out and insert into my other "Niched" Blogs and or article material, where I need to think and plan more and treat it more like a business than I will here. Primarily my problem is terseness... brevity and consciseness... I think short quips can be quite effective at conveying a message, but sometimes they just aren't there and I don't have time to concentrate on them. Its easier to edit down I think!

I have two well actually three Blogs already.

YourCOREAdvisor - (Real Estate Advice, some Montrose Colorado Area Interest Stuff)

I recently added some Clickbank Hoplink and from the Real Estate Realm Vflyer Widget ads to them (in case I do get traffic... haha)... I know I should be doing a "money magnet" or free or cheap report or ebook to build a list, but that is coming soon. This is a start anyway and if I could even make a few bucks, my first buck on the internet, It would give me so much go juice.

So I am hoping I might actually make some money by dumb luck... That goes for here as well. I will likely post up my links etc. and let you all look at them if you are "following" me along this path, we could learn together and share non-biased info with each other.

So At least I am trying something other than sitting around complaining about how bad it is in the Real Estate Market... Which trust me I do my fair share of or have been lately... Usually though I blame only myself, I should do it faster and more efficiently and effectively and retain my existing clients... and I often seem to not have enough time! None of the blogs help on this front, but it is a way to convey a message one time and then let the customer look at the blog post. But obviously I cannot get too off track or biased there or even theoretically sell too hard there!

The I have "TheDivorceWorkshop" Site and Blog. This is intended to console, counsel and otherwise help people facing or going through a divorce and helping them recover afterward. Eventually I might branch off into new relationships and marriages, etc. and I will probably pimp the "save your marriage" products there too because someone might just be contemplating divorce and looking at that site... If they can work it out great! If they can't work it out, I am actually sorry for them, cause I can feel their pain... I know what it is like to lose almost everything and have your life's rug just pulled out from under you, uprooted in a hellish tornato that spins you around and spits you out at whim. Never knowing where you will land.

I know the fear of the unknown, what will happen, this is especially bad if there are kids, where will they live, how will they take it, what if they want to live with your ex and not see you at all.

I know the fear surrounding any sort of "secret type" or even "falsely perceived" issues (Gambling Addiction, Sexual Perversions, Drinking Problems, Drug Addictions, Illegal Activities) that they would rather the general public didn't know about.

Whatever it might be, everyone has some type of skeleton in there closet and sometimes your spouse knows that skeleton and will bring it back from the dead and use it against you.

That can cause fear... One of the worst fears of all Fear of Embarassment.

Your emotions twist from fear to hatred to carless disregard (maybe in 5-10 minutes time) then the cycle just repeats. It is VERY HARD to have any HAPPY thoughts or maintain positive vibes and energy during an ordeal like a divorce... Some do it, the Zen Masters, Positive Thinking Gurus maybe, but not me! And probably not you! That your ex is likely to leak! TO THE WHOLE TOWN!

I kindof broke off into a Divorce Workshop Post... oops, but thats how my brain works... Jumping all over the place. I have to keep it reined in!

I digress! A lot!

So The Divorce Workshop Blog - will hopefully be just that and the interaction will hopefully be the material I need to put together a better product than my existing book, that I have... That I need to edit... I am likely going to use a pen name as well to protect the guilty haha!

I also setup for my Daughter Sofia but I plan to help her as well.

Click Here for Soccer Gear from

Sofia also loves Horses! But she thought she could monetize Soccer better.

I am thinking if we can hook her up with a bunch of affiliates for sports equipment etc. and she can get a following and start building a list it might buy her a car and get her through college!

The Gurus - All will tell you pick one thing! Work on that ONE THING!... I cannot pick just one thing right now. And I hope I don't screw it all up, but I need to use a bit of a shot gun approach and just work harder to make a sale, then make 10 sale, then 100, then 1000, then 10,000, etc. Till it becomes semi-automatic and allows me to have a life... A good life hanging out and even speaking at Internet Marketing Seminars!

So why in the world do I need another blog. Well three of mine are self adminstered/hosted versions of wordpress on my own domain and I here that with the ease of use and implementation and upgrades of versions that this "Blogger" is in many ways the place to be, because it gets so much traffic and is so fresh and so Big that google gives it lots of juice, more juice than you can get naturally from a wordpress installation...

Essentially Facebook, puported to be the "Most Popular Social Media Software" in the world at the moment.... is an easy terse blog of sorts with the ability to interweave the posts and comments of your "Friends" and Twitter an ever more terse 140 Characters original limit on Text Messages, same kindof thing based on a Followed and a Follower approach... So theoretically you can Follow someone without their consent, see what they are blogging (tweeting) about their life... This can autofeed through to FB, which needs to be somewhat monitored or too many people will shut you off.

So Blogger has a Place in SEO it would seem. And I wanted to "test" it out to see just how easy it is...

Soooo.... Basically I need another Blog (Ideas, Thoughts & Whatevers) so I can rant informally and not worry one bit about what anyone thinks... (yeah sure! haha) but it will be better. Than trying to not piss off too many people on my Real Estate Blog at

or on my Divorce Workshop Blog at:

and I definitely cannot just go a ranting on at

Click Here for Soccer Gear from

You see I am currently a Realtor and formerly a lot of things... Currently frustrated!

A quick bit about the past:

My first job was being a fry cook at Sonic (the "old school" ones),

Second job was landscaping - Hard work, but quickly rewarding... You could see the fruits of your labor when you were done, which isn't always the case.

Third job was Wendy's (for a week - I argued with the manager over how long to cook the fries - I thought they were too raw and slimy, needed to be a bit more golden brown. Oh well that job sucked anyway!).

Fourth job was working at Career Services at CSU (Colorado State University) from 1982 - 1986

Fifth job (During this same period... ) I moonlighted as a consultant writing software in Fortran of all things and Rbase for a few small companies, the "Alumni Job Bank" and an IBM Symposium Scheduling and Speaker Feed Back Analysis program.

Sixth job or "first REAL Job" was as an Associate Software Engineer at Auto-trol Technology. One of the first assignments I had was to create a menu builder program that would allow other programmers to use my tool to design their menus for our graphics systems that were architectural, civil, publishing, and facilities and process plant design... Auto-trol lost ground over the seven years I worked there, due to the relative affordability of Auto-cad back then... Auto-cad was flooding the market with cheep graphics software and our stuff was like 20-50K a seat (phased hardware out right about when I started in 1986 I beleive)... Anyway, then I spent some time on the plan application and then started working on FLI - Facilities Layout - where large corporations, schools, govt facilities, etc. could design the layout of all their furniture, equipment, etc and keep track of where everything was... This family of applications was built upon Empress and Oracle Relational Databases with an API to the Graphics system to allow the users to checkout assemblies of items and or parts of the facility without the traditional graphics "sheet" problem. In addition the objects in the plant could be smart and tied into the existing corporate systems by their programers (mostly through the use of a macro language) called QAs or Quick Actions... The joke was they were sometimes Slow Actions, because of their interpretted rather than compiled nature and a kernel of code that was built up from an older syntax, when they rewrote this code it was much faster, then they developed "Parametrics" which was a pre compiled interpreted code. So it could be done in the field or even on the fly (compiling) in order to execute quicker, so if you defined a repetetive or recursive function on the fly you could compile it an then run it quicker than if you wrote a macro (Quick Action) and had it interpretted. Still it was a pretty flexible system... Possibly too flexible and as with all large software systems it seems, as you go through time, building up and in features, you occassionally have to scrap large parts or whole systems and start over to more have it run efficiently. Well thats enough about programming for now, many other projects, languages, etc. and some on the side, but really even then I was pulled to real estate and a better way of making money... I always have been through all my jobs.

Well to keep this not too long, like anyone will read it or care! I left my cushy high paying job writing software in Denver/Thorton/Broomfield Job and home and move back to Montrose and ran my parents trash company with my brother and built a House... The idea was always to purchase the business, but there was a proving time you know, prove I could do it... I was a sweet little business, not witout problems, like any and you were definitely stuck there had to be there or have someone cover your responsibilities and sometimes you had to go haul trash if someone didn't show up, but overall it was fun and quite profitable.

Sold that, made a lot of money, bought an old warehouse and remodeled that into office and commercial rental suites in the front and left the back as a warehouse rented to a gymnastics facility "Snow Shadow Gymnastics" and Bruce Kirk the owner I should say "Coach" or "Coach Kirk" . He had olympic medals and had trained several people in the olympics... He is a very formal teacher, but was always struggling for rent... I was and still am too slack and empathetic most the time.

Anyway, all construction done on the building, I acted as the General Contractor/Manager for the project and did the design and had it cleaned up with my Architect friend Tom Chamberlain. I like designing buildings, but really don't know all that much about what I am doing other than common sense. I wish I had enough cash to just freely brainstorm with an Architect or a group of Architects on a large project. Anyway I digress, which I often do, and rant. But this is a No Apologies Blog! haha So tough it out.

Then I traded stocks, not really day trading, although I did a bit of that.. I was more speculative short term trading, where I would pick companies that seemed logically to be likely to increase, mostly technology companies... I tried a few "rolling stocks" etc. But then I got killed in Tech Stocks in 2000 or 2001 cant remember cause I want to block it out... Think it was 2000 though, because I think I sold the Trash Co in 1997 and stayed on with Waste Management as their General Manager for two years before quiting to purchase, gut and remodel this building.

Then my "wife" called me a compulsive gambler and a loser cause I lost money... That pretty much sucked and I didn't like it. However it was just another "nail in the coffin" so to speak.

So I go to work for my Cousin in Law - Mark Young and Youngs Manufacturing Inc. I learn to weld, punch, cut, sheer, cope, grind, etc. steel... Hadn't ever worked with steel before... Then I learn how to climb towers and hang 200 ft up in the air with just a lanyard holding me up! Its amazing what we can get used to if we ease into it... The first few times, to just climb kinda fun, then you climb loaded to work, bolts, wrenches, usually at least another 30-50 Lb. Then you try to really work and not slip and fall and it can get a little freaky at times... And I had several "Oh Shit" moments where there had been a twist in my lanyard and I was leaning back against it cranking on a bolt and all of a sudden I slipped back 8 inches and thought I was going down... It really makes you stop and think... Wow! It really could all end that fast!

Thankfully it didn't... Still I grew very tired of climbing Icy Towers in the middle of the Winter in Colorado, Usually at 10-14K Elevation as well, so a bit chillier, we often had to snowmobile or four wheel in to the sites, sometimes even hike... The trip to Devils Thumb SW of Denver about Killed Tim Thorp and I. Mark Had flow over it in his helicopter and looked at it and said it was a short walk... We were packing a gas can, 6' Rock Drill Bit, 80 Lb Gas Rock Drill, Anchor Bolts, Epoxy, etc.. and Little to No food/water or clothing, cause it was supposed to be short, it was all uphill and the last part stairs, cant remember how long but like took us 2 Hrs up and we didn't finish till almost Dark, gettin cold, so we "Hid" the rock drill under the Deck and Told Mark he would have to "Fly" up there to get it. This enabled us to come down much faster and quicker and truly safer as well.

There were many nice days and many scary and frustrating days! But still it was a cool experience to have had and I got to drive and stand on mountain tops all over Colorado that I probably never would of otherwise seen.

I am basically a work aholic.... In general I don't Play enough, although its not much fun to play when you are broke.

I am trying to keep this focused on jobs as much as possible at the moment (just cause)

So the "wife" files for Divorce and tells me it will be friendly and we don't need attorneys... I think it was probably a setup from the get go, but who knows... I did what my advisors suggested and tried to negotiate it out from the very begining because I believe that is the best way.

Anyway, Three Lawyers and Two Years Later, I was divorced... During that time, Mark had to lay off someone from Youngs Manufacturing and it was me or Tom and I was more expensive and Tom needed and wanted the Job more than I so Mark layed me off and I drew 1-3 months of unemployment for the first time in my life. They paid for me to go to Real Estate School in Denver... They did question and advise me it wasn't easy and I knew it wouldn't be... But hey, my Mom was a Realtor, My Grandma was a Realtor. I always loved Real Estate and it is theoretically and usually something you can make a decent living doing...

Then the Market tanks in Real Estate (So now that probably makes me according to my ex wife a compulsive loser or bad job picker or something...)

Regarding all my Bad Luck ( I have heard all kinds of superstiscous mumbo jumbo and I do believe loosely in the "Karma" aspect, but honestly I think I am a pretty decent guy, but still all this bad luck... Well I am here to tell you it does and can happen to anyone) But how much does attitude and our internal vibes have to do Such is life or as some would say bad luck.. The positive say our greatest opportunities come disguised as problems... I think the root of that belief is based on two things... First that we can grow by sharing our problems and our solutions to problems with others. And Second that by teaching and sharing we instinctively refine and improve both our methods and our understanding because of repetition and the questions asked by the students, causing us to think about it in a different way, in search of the "correct" answer(s)...

So today I was playing with Clickbank making hopads and links etc. Here are a few check them out if you like... I gotta get some sleep so will otherwise stop this post for now.

Help me out, show some support, help me make my first sale... I hate to beg for it, but I am sure there is someone out there with a little room left on their credit card. Its just not on mine so the straight links are things I would buy to check out if I had the money... If you buy this stuff through my link I will make a comission, and then I could buy the products to make a better decision about how and if I wanted to sell it. Then I would make a squeeze page for what sells and pump it here and everywhere I could, etc. So you buying just one little thing might be the first little stone to help me on my way to being a Premier Internet Marketer.

Click Here! Yeah, click right back there and buy this thing... It looks really fun... I want to get it form my IM soundtrack type beats maybe and/or to just play with and let my kids play with it.

Or if you don't like that how about one of these: