Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Most Stressful Places 2009! Crazy Montrose Morning Traffic!

The Stress in Montrose Colorado

Saw an article the other day on yahoo at


Titled "America's Most Stressful Cities 2009" by Sarah Lynch with Forbes.com

She identified the following:
1.  Chicago, IL
2.  Los Angeles, CA
3.  New York, NY
4.  Cleveland, OH
5.  Providence, RI

Now I know very little about these places in general, but I have spent a fair time in the Denver area so I have had to deal with bumper to bumper traffic jams, similarly I have experienced #2 Los Angeles CA traffic first hand on business or pleasure trips to Cali! 

Here is what I do know... Here is a picture driving into work this morning around 7:00 AM and the horrific traffic on Main St in Montrose Colorado... Scary isn't it.  Actually in all fairness, South Townsend is busier and the crowd here is more intense around 8:00 AM, occassionally you do actually have to sit through a cycle on a light, or the City of Montrose will redo a medium and block off two lanes of traffic to actually cause a slight increase in blood pressure... but overall Montrose is pretty mellow as far as traffic induced stress is concerned.   Real estate prices and unemployment are another matter, while we are not in a free fall, It is definitely a buyers market.  While we don't have the highest unemployment rates, we are ahead of the state and behind the nation (per the official stats...)

If you work remotely like say your an internet marketer... Then this could be a perfect place...  If you are looking for a job, its worth a visit to land it before you move here...

Or maybe make a bunch of money as a Forex Ninja Mega Mega Bot with this...


Then Call me we have sweet Golf Course homes and lots available as well as your average homes:

Good day!

Chris Ormsbee is a license Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado, but he is also a person and an Internet Marketer.

Check me out as well at:

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