Thursday, September 17, 2009

Irresponsible Governments, Corporations and Individuals? Serious?

Check out this article a friend of mine (Thanks Alan!) posted up to facebook today... It got my attention!

If your scared to click my links... Basically it talks about the top 7 most socially and environmentally irresponsible companies in America and lists them as:

Nestle - Chocolate (child/slave labor), water (under several brands) pumping acquifers dry...

Chevron - Includes Texaco they acquired.  Environmental damage and disregard.  Caused Rainforest Chernobyl in Eqcuador dumping 18 billions gallons of toxic production waste into streams locals used.  Richmond California contamination.

Wal-mart - Employment practices, lack of concern over child labor for products it sells, constant squeezing of profit margin (cost reduction of suppliers).  Viloating Storm Water Runoff Regulations.

Pfizer - Air and Water Pollution, preventing generics and overpricing "life saving" aids drugs, etc. "Worst of all, the company that has little regard for safety standards – having released a number of drugs that ended up being pulled off the market for unforeseen complications – decided to test one of its drugs on poor, critically ill Nigerian children. Masking the trial as a “humanitarian mission”, Pfizer tested an experimental antibiotic called Trovan on meningitis-infected Nigerian children without their knowledge or the knowledge of their families. 11 children died, and others developed brain damage and crippling arthritis."

Monsanto - "Monsanto still reigns supreme. It’s hard to overstate just how socially and environmentally irresponsible this company really is. Monsanto has manufactured herbicides (which, during manufacturing, create dioxin as a by-product), Agent Orange, plastics, fuel additives, saccharin, industrial fluids, fertilizers, pesticides and anti-freeze in the past. Some years ago they chose to focus on ‘life sciences’ and are now the world’s largest seed company. They’re also the creators of Recombitant Bovine Growth Hormone (rGBH) and the world’s largest producer of genetically modified food."


"Monsanto is responsible for more than 50 Superfund sites including Anniston, Alabama, one of America’s worst man-made environmental disasters. For over 40 years, Monsanto routinely dumped toxic waste into West Anniston Creek while producing now-banned industrial coolants called PCBs. They also dumped millions of pounds of PCBs into open-pit landfills – and proceeded to spend decades covering it up even after confirming that fish submerged in the creek turned belly-up within seconds."
"Monsanto knew exactly how dangerous the PCBs were, but chose to keep it secret, altering documents and forcing changes to study results to keep the secret. Though they were forced to pay $700 million in fines in 2003, they have not apologized or taken responsibility."

Dow - Continues to pollute the earth without apology... History of Agent Orange (with Monsanto) - Vietnam herbicidal war (led to 400,000 deaths and disabilities and 500,000 children with birth defects. , Napalm!  "Furthermore, following the purchase of Union Carbide – the company responsible for the Bhopal gas disaster which left nearly 20,000 people dead and hundreds of thousands disabled – Dow has refused to take responsibility for the health and environmental effects of the incident"

Exxon Mobile - Can you say Valdeez?  Plus tons of other environmental violations and a paid lobbiest effort to stop/prevent alternate sources of energy...  Claiming to be making efforts to alternate energy 300,000,000 vs 47,000,000,000 for "dirty energy"

I am not a tree hugger and while I am certain these companies have done many wrongs, they have probably done many good things as well.  I think the real questions we need to ask ourselves are:

  • Are you responsible? 
  • Is the Company you work for responsible?  
  • Are the Companies, that you support financially by buying things from them, responsible?
  • Is our Government in the US is responsible?

If your answer is no to any of these questions, then ask yourself what you are going to do about it.   Talk to your co-workers, friends, family, write a congressman, talk to the PR department, if you feel there is injustice or wrong, do something about it...  Don't buy things from "Bad" companies wherever and whenever possible and tell them about it.

Chris Ormsbee is a license Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado who works at Century 21 Action Realty in Montrose Colorado.  There address is 1245 E Main St, Montrose, CO 81401 and their phone number is (970) 249-7777.   Whatever you do don't tell his boss he is wacky she might fire him or something scary!  The opinions expressed here are soley the opinions of the author and his imaginary friends he talks to every day.

Chris Ormsbee is not a lawyer or an accountant but he is a "real" person and an Internet Marketer and he has occasionally slept at THE Holiday Inn Express!




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