Friday, September 18, 2009

Obama Calls Kanye West a Jack Ass - I agree!

"Obama Calls Kanye West a Jack Ass"

Watching Insider... Scary but important life changing stuff... hahaha

They played the tape where Obama calls Kanye a Jack Ass.

I say So What?

Obama calls Kanye West a Jack Ass and the tape is leaked... 

I don't see what the big deal is Kanye was a "Jack Ass" to go up and screw with Taylor Swift receiving her award.  President Obama did not think he was "on tape" or at least "on tape that would be used".  He even said "cut the President some slack".

I still say no big deal other than it is detracting from important issues.  At least he isn't redefining the meaning of sex like President Clinton did...  I bet Monica could of used this book to keep bill happy...

As one reporter or person suggested Kanye was on the Hennessy.  He looked kinda trashed to me on the tapes I saw...  I would suspect that was a big part of it... the Alcohol and over the brimming self confidence!

"The Insider" then speculates if the Media is turning on the "once popular" Obama...  but goes on to say that Politico (the owner of the tape) takes video tape of President Obama off their web site.  But "The Insider" played a copy...

Next on Oprah discusses her relationship and why it works defined on her own terms... says it would be different if she was in a traditional "marriage" relationship.

Chris Ormsbee is a license Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado, but he is also a person and an Internet Marketer.

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