Sunday, September 6, 2009

Politics - Lefty Socialists (-1) vs Right Wing Wackos (+1) People (0)

Man Down, Van Jones is down!

Politics - seems I spend way too much time thinking on this subject. 

Just saw this breaking Yahoo FP News:
Essentially (Left -1, Right +1, People nothing!)

Government is a tough place to play.  I really try to stay out of politics as much as possible so I didn't know much about Van Jones really, and now it would seem I didn't need to.  Losing your job usually sucks no matter who you are though so I empathize a bit.  Occasionally losing a job can be good, not usually, but sometimes.  They say things happen for a reason!

He did "resign" after all!  So he supposedly quit, but we all know thats not how it really works in the big world of politics...

My facebook account states my political affiliation as "Conservative turned Anarchist" and while most would better define this as a "Libertarian" I think the way I put it is more fun and sends a substle sarchastic message of we are fed up with the out of control government.

Some level of  government is essential, evil and risky, but essential! 

Still this government or essentially a committee or an elected board if you compare it to your home owners association.

These "groups", "governments", and "committees" and "boards" are all scary because anytime you get a small group of "elected" or "appointed" people in one place together with a "mission to SOLVE something" (that may or may not really be a problem, kindof doesn't matter in committee-land, Then these people start to feel "real special" about themselves and their extra dutys they have been assigned.

Their feathers get all ruffled up and they "feel good"... Almost intoxicated and they come up with these ideas of how to "help the people". Then reality hits, and that corn cob ends up in the wrong place, you just can't please everyone.  Or maybe that intern supplied by the lobbyist (because he want to win over your intense power) ends up talking a little too much...  Then the wife is pissed off and wont give you any lovin, life just really starts to suck.

Everyone always says don't bitch unless you have a solution so here it goes...
My Solution to Government
Heres my view of Government Reform Necessary  as Anarchist-alistic and Wacko as it may be :

Military - as long as we are the "United" States, then we should have a federal military to protect our borders and protect invasion from anyone who attempts to come in and force us to change our combined beliefs and laws or guidelines, of behavior, essentially.  Free as we are or aren't, we do have some rules.

Probably keep some fashion Integrated of the FBI/CIA/Secret Services - As much as I hate the concept of big brother, if he is watching my back, I like him!  If he is giving me a rectal exam I don't!

And our friends at the IRS - As much as we all hate them, the governement, any government does need a method of funding itself.  Keep em, just gut the laws and make it simple.  Like a flat tax, or X percent of what you pay to the state.  Maybe even let them collect for the states (on contract) since they are such a huge deal.  Who knows, but we do need some taxes and some means of making sure everyone is paying their fair share.

USPS - Keep it!  Cap the stamp infation rate to the average of all states inflation.  Mostly self sufficient as they should be.

The Fed - Central Bank - FDIC etc.  - Wow!  What a wacky bunch.  I don't know!  Is this where the Amero comes in?  Anyway, we need some kind of money.   Wish I had more to say!

Judicial Branch & System - I really don't know what to do with this... Probably largely leave it alone, but maybe empower the states to over-rule the federal courts if they could get a majority vote from the states supreme courts, or maybe have clans or small groups of states that agree upon one interpretation or version of a law.  Not really sure... The concept of innocent till proven guilty seemed a good one, but seems to not exist in much of our law enforcement, innocent but sitting in jail. 

In general I think less laws would be better than more laws, we have created this extreamly complex subjective set of rules and cases open to interpretation by individual judges... In many ways it is great and in others it is greatly lacking, and kind of a joke.  Still we don't get as much press in this area and I haven't researched any of this, they are just wacko ideas, thoughts and whatevers...

Federal Standards Committee - A nationally elected comittee representing the states that maintains and edits and suggests possible revision of the standards to congress and the senate.  They would also be charged with disseminating this information to the state level.   This is how you build a section of Interstate Highway to keep the "label", This is the purity accepted of water to be called pure... This is the suggested safe national speed limit... etc.  Simple answers to simple questions... haha  But seriously this would be part of the states "franchise" package where it was a suggested standard and any deviation needed to be noted where applicable (like to the consumer) if it was different.   Like consumer reports of state governments.  This could encompass or oversee or interact with the FTC, SEC, CDC etc.

Wipe out just about everything else! haha I probably forgot a few important ones, but lets see I think you could  Eliminate the FDA, EPA, DEA... OSHA - these if they exist should be like standards comittees that define what is handed out to the states as suggested guidelines,  not an enforcement policing agency, that should be up to the states. 

 I believe is best dealt with at a state, the district, county or parish,  and to the extent possible the community level because many states, counties, communities, kind of cause their own problems with their laws, their building incentives or walls of resistance to growth, essentially their rules and regulations and its manual and inspectors or cops that enforce the rules and regulations and how complicated of a game it is to play when a business is operating in that state. 

So in many ways I think states or communities should solve their own problems! 

I also think there is not feasibly one solution that could ever exist at the Federal Level that would truly appease the needs let alone the desires of the States and the people of these United States that live in them.

What about National Disasters?  Obviously people would still contribute to a cause when the need arose, just because of human nature e.g. tornado, hurricane, etc.

But I still do think the State should handle it and be possibly be labeled with a risk score (by the fed standards comittee) based on likely hood of natural disasters etc and what they have done to abate the "damage" from frequentlly reoccuring disasters, e.g. building codes.   If their risk code is high for whatever reason, then they would have to contribute more to the National Federal Relief Programs if there was one.

States should be allowed to further enhance or cut them back as prudent in their area.

In general where I am suggesting all control be handed down to the state level I think there would also be a "United Comittee" at the federal level that served to address the key issues of the entitee.  Probably 2-3 members from each states corresponding committee (elected from their peers and/or constituents as the states saw fit)  At this level the states would share what they were doing, what was working and what wasn't working, so it would enable evolution of government at a more rapid pace... Theoretically improvement of government.

I think, it would also revive the people of this country into believing their voice could actually be heard... If the "real" rules were up to the States, anyone person can much more easily have an influence in their state than on a national level.

These United (National) Comittees could go down to the sub-level as well,  but I really doubt it too necessary... The states and the various non-profit and for-profit companies that they worked with could host big united conventions education symposiums, trade shows, little squishy stress relievers etc. But at the end of the day if Utah wanted to do something different than Colorado then so be it.  That would be each states personal perogative.  The states each could have their own set of rules and regulations and methods of enforcement.

This approach I believe would keep our country free-er... The bigger and more centralized government gets the more "forced standardization and compliance" gets forced down our throats and then we get the bill for the pleasure.
Social Service/Welfare (Standards Comittee establish required data and format to allow easy transfer from one state to the next) Think this could also be pushed to the states and integrated into the State level based version of the CHFDADs (see below)
DOT - Interstate Transportation (Standards Comittee at least probably push policing down to the state level),
FDA - Food Drug Administration & CDC & HCA Health Care Administration Provider/Mgr or whatever - should be replaced with one agency at the federal level anyway and the rest of the work pushed down to the state level with a templated system (essentially franchised) that they can follow if they want to, maybe certain standards and requested data, but not essential or enforced obligated adherance as we have now.  This One Organization probably called some acronymn thing like State Community, Health, Food and Drug Administration & Distribution!  The SCHFDAD (So Cool High Five DAD! jk) probably all be put in one and could include the distribution of drugs and its corresponding taxation. 

DEA and ATF feed the Judicial System customers and I think the DEA and ATF could be wiped out entirely if all drugs were made legal (at least at the federal level), let the states deal with it and establish drug purity standards etc. in the FDA like comittee at the fed level. 

Alcohol and Tobbaco are both "drugs" anyway and firearms are a constitutional right I was once told.

So why do we need these guys?... 

Oh yeah, so people like Janet Reno can get their "groove" on in Waco.  And we can make TV shows and have something to talk about in the news.  Of course there was necessary collateral damage, dead people.

And based on the movies I have seen (that really is my only knowledge of the matter), the DEA is extreamly corrupt and to a large extent trying to force our policies on other countries and in some cases the states, in some cases involving our military to enforce our laws on another people.

If you legalize all drugs, perscription to street then you immediately eliminate the need for these organizations and allow the states to enforce their own laws if they want to.  You relieve a huge burden off of border control and stop a huge reason that people are sneaking across the border anyway.

You get taxes from the distribution of "clean tested for efficacy and purity" drugs of all types, perscription, tobacco, pot, lsd, acid, heroin, cocain, speed, even the nastiest of the nasty meth.  If anyone is stupid enough to do that nasty shit, they need help... our system right now doesn't provide them that help.  Our system instead will force them to break the law in a number of ways, first posession, then probably driving under the influence, then probably stealing to get the next fix, then probably dealing to keep getting fixes, then probably getting involved in a gang or black market distribution network to get the best supply, you get the point. 

The original goal for someone doing drugs whether it is alcohol, tobacco or meth is to escape!  Escape the pain, escape the stress, relax, get pumped up when you are down, whatever, every person I have ever know that did any type of drugs was trying to escape something.  We take perscription drugs to escape death, scary looking sores, or pain for example.  A person seeks a drug of any type out because they have a pattern in their mind or a perception that the drug will help them at that moment.  I am not saying they are right, but I am saying that it happens everyday to millions of americans... it is just a question of what are they reaching out for. 

I think they should be able to pick what they reach out for.  I DO NOT endorse trying to get everyone to try drugs for the hell of it.  I DO NOT want everyone to be a junky... Just the opposite actually!  But I do think that by cutting off the dealers and gangs at the knees and redeploying the money into an efficient drug distribution system it would alleviate a whole lot of problems and save a whole lot of money and in the long run make this country a much better safer place to live where there was less stress, fear and illness to begin with.

The taxation from this and the "relative" ease of acquisition might tempt many into an abusive cycle, but right now in our wonderful economic times people are blowing their heads off in some cases.  I would suspect do to the inability to handle stress.  If the drugs weren't perceived as illegal, it would eliminate a big hurdle to allowing an addicted person get the help. 

Just added this article link about Stress Benefits, that Tony Robbins just posted up to Facebook.

The integration of a Health Care Comittee (appointed with 2-3 reps from each state, with a specialty area presumably, cover administration, cover methods and technologies, cover success rates and statistics.  Then at the federal level there could be a Fed group that mulls over the presentations basically from the 50 states and makes recommendations as to the best results, higest efficiencies in cost and lifes and again makes recommendations out to the states.   Within the Fed jurisdiction they could mandate that each state provided an affordable coverage option maybe even a "state" based option, I don't know, but the point is the states then would again have the authority to evolve and improve, rather than stagnating medicine in the path of the corporate pyramid.  Technologies, testing, etc. could be handled differently on a state by state level, with some min standards set forth by the feds, but companies (for profit and hopefully some big philinthropic dudes might even start a non-profit medical solution... pharmaceuticals, technology for treatments, insurance solutions for groups and/or states.    The main point in this wacky idea is to encourage freedoms at the State level to allow evolution of medicine, technology and even administration... Government should always be trying first and foremost to find a better cheaper way to do things for us... We do need them in some form I believe, but it should be lean and mean and cost effective for what it provides.

OK enough political rants, too much time already, but hey check out this cool looking tool:

WARNING!  FULL DISCLOSURE...  If you click that link and think its as cool as I did and buy it, then I might make money, unless you decide to ask for a refund, and then I wont... 

Help a "starving Realtor"   :-)

Chris Ormsbee is a license Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado, He is not an accountant, or a lawyer, basically just a "dude" or a person and "FNG" Internet Marketer!  Former "Geek", BS CS,  Trash Hauling, Steel Slinging, Tower Climbing lazy ass Mofo.  Recovering Amway, Shaklee and Mannatech member has had a stint in the "trenches", but somehow "still believes" in MLMs or as they are now called Network Marketing and now even more he believes in Internet Marketing and possibly the crossed and combined TNM - True Network Marketing (via the internet...)

Check my thoughts and ideas about Real Estate, Divorce, Internet Marketing, Network Marketing and Whatever as well at:

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