Thursday, September 10, 2009

Can Pigeons be Used for List Building and Internet Marketing?

Internet Speeds and Data Transfer Rates Still Amazingly Slow in Places!  Can Pigeons help?

Check out this hilarious article a friend found and posted for me/us to enjoy... Thanks Michael!

I think the lesson to be learned here from an Internet Marketing perspective is that regardless of how fancy, fast or automatic the internet may get for us... Not all of our prospective clients are plugged in!

What can we do about it?  Two choices as I see it:

1.  Do Nothing and continue to spend a fortune on offline advertising and snail mail based mailings of post cards and Wow mail (What the hell is this?).  I must say I am often amused by the creativity of some of these folks.

2. Government Supplied High Speed Broadband Internet for ALL even the illegal aliens, martians and venetians.  I see no other choice to reasonable market share for internet marketers than to make this "Change" for the better of all.  We need and should support "Government Provided and Mandated Internet Service".  Everybody deserves the internet... Google and Facebook and Twitter and what about YouTube.  Who on the face of this earth should be deprived of YouTube?  I mean come on people, someone can afford this!  We need it an you know in your hearts it is right! 

Maybe the IRS could enlist carrier pigeons to collect the extra taxes required.

If you have any ideas at cost effectively penetrating these poor derived folks that don't have internet.  Please share them with me.

Thanks!  Chris

Chris Ormsbee is a license Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado. He works at Century 21 Action Realty, 1245 E Main St. Montrose, CO 81401.  (970) 249-7777. 

Technically he is a Broker Associate, which means he works for a Broker Owner.

So what is the difference between a Real Esate Broker, a Licensed Real Estate Agent and a Realtor? Actually they can all be the same thing.

Technically, we become a client's "agent" once they sign a contract with us to hire us to help them either buy or sell a home.

If they don't sign a contract "Exclusive Right to Sell" ("Sellers Agent") or an "Exclusive Right to Buy" ("Buyers Agent"), then by default we work as "Transaction Brokers".

A good way to explain the difference (taught to me at Jones Real Estate College now known as Kaplan) this is that a Broker working as a Buyer or Seller's Agent is like a Coach who wants his team to win. He knows the rules of the game, but has a vested "fiduciary" duty to ensure the Client gets the best price possible regardless of what side they are on.  Thats why he/she cannot possibly represent both sides in this manner.

A "Transaction Broker" is more like a Referee (compared to a coach), he knows the rules of the game and makes sure they are followed but isn't for either side and doesn't give advice to either side.

If a Realtor is positioned as a Buyer or Sellers agent and then finds the other side of the transaction he/she must inform his client and request their permission to "switch hats" from Coach to Referee.  At no time after this change is the Realtor allowed to share any confidential information like lowest acceptable price or highest price a buyer would go.  He/she must remain neutral.

Chris Ormsbee is not a lawyer or an accountant but he is a "real" person and an Internet Marketer and he has occasionally slept at THE Holiday Inn Express!

Check his other stuff out at:

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