Friday, September 18, 2009

ACORN is a Very Helpful Organization!


Check out these "Scandalous" ACORN Videos and let me know what you think?

Pretty amazing! 

Isn't ACORN a helpful organization? 

Again I fall back on my long term stance that our Government is too big, when you have one "arm" trying to cut the other "arm" off.

In fairness, ACORN was setup here...  I might of fallen for that "prostitute" actress too... haha   I do actually think prostitution should be legal in the US, but not for underage teens.  I just think of it is another Black Market created by Government laws that we have requested or allowed to be created over the years.  

As a Realtor, of course I think of all that vacant commercial space that could be used up by brothels... They say America has evolved into a service industry.  Hmmm? 

There is a reason the old saying states "Prostitution - The Worlds Oldest Profession"...  :-)

Check out your prostitute, your business advisor, your accountant or your cheating spouse...
People Search - Click Here! or Private Investigation - Click Here!

Out of Control Government

We are in scary times and I think we need to take what action we can to curb this ridiculous trend.

Chris Ormsbee is a license Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado, but he is also a person and an Internet Marketer.  Chris is also a Realtor and works for Century 21 Action Realty in Montrose Colorado, located at 1245 E Main St.   The office number is (970) - 249-7777.  

I am not an accountant or an attorney, but I do hire them on occassion.  I am mostly opinionated, but I have slept at a Holiday Inn Express before...

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