Thursday, November 12, 2009

Star Wars 2009 - The Fall of the Republic -- or -- Money Grab - Fall of the USA

Star Wars 2009 - The Fall of the Republic -- or -- Money Grab - Fall of the USA

The tough thing about this blog post is the title... I am just not sure what to call it.

This shocking video I just watched outlined so many problems and concerns with some of the systems and fraudulent practices we have going on in society and government in general.

How does Henry Paulson (Secretary of the Treasury) get an ethics waiver (From the white house legal staff)? 

Why do Al Gore and Ben Bernanke both claim they have no involvement with Banks when there is factual evidence showing otherwise?

Why do the American people "Bail Out" the banks that caused the problem and then end up suffering for it, both now with tighten credt and draconian banking practices taking place with credit card companies and commercial banks?  Plus we will suffer far into the future.  We may never "recover" in our life time... 

All from a few puppet mens decisions controlled by powerful banking cartels of the uber wealthy. 

Watch this shocking video on YouTube

This video is a brain dump of my feelings of our government and its apparent lack of control or interest in looking out for the American people.

I was encouraged to see SOME of our congressmen and senators fighting for what is right. An Audit of the Federal Reserve Bank (probably will end up in imprisonment for at least the last three federal reserve chairman.)

A nationalization or re-governmentation of the Federal Reserve and or the Backing of our money. A pledge to avoid and refuse a global currency, or even continental currency. The Amero, The Euro or a global dollar, controlled outside of our country.

Then there is the Carbon Tax issue. What a scam!

I could go on and on, but this video greatly disturbed me because it contains all of my fears that we are in Star Wars 2009 and fighting for the Republic's survival and we are sitting back watching our football games, tv shows, movies or playing dumb games on the internet to distract us from the reality that we are being robbed in plain daylight by our government, by the Federal Reserve, by the Banks and by the Ultra huge corporations that control our society.

It makes me wonder what Ken Lay and Bernie Maddof did to piss someone off to even be called out or prosecuted, because if even 1/4 of what is in this video is true is is the biggest fraudulent money grab and scam of all of history.  And it seems that hardly anyone sees it coming.  Their propaganda machine of the Republicans an Democrats and the Sports and the Crime on TV and the Cops stopping the Crime on TV, the news the comedy all of it at least potentially designed to take our eye off the ball so we don't see them kick it past us.

In this video I discovered lots of I didn't know thats:

Like Obama sat as the Chairman of the UN Security Council served essentially as the "President" of the world for several days. For the first time ever and of course because it is illegal to do so. But it is instrumental in his act to "Save the Dollar" from the "Crisis" they created by "Dumping the Dollar for a Global Currency". I cannot believe this is even being talked about. Particularly if it is planned to be run as so many current monetary systems modeled after our faulty system that has no real basis (typically gold) for its money. It is strictly faith based.

Americans will be impovershed and enslaved and will be divided into two distinct classes surfs or servants whos lives do not matter.

That FEMA is building more detention camps.  That Obama is passing gun laws and extended detention laws to allow the government to detain people to prevent them from committing crimes they haven't yet comitted.  WTF?

It may happen slowly or it may happen fast, but it sure seems to be on the fast track.

We need to stand up and refuse to let it happen now! Before they get a stronger foothold and it becomes impossible. 

I didn't know the President had enacted an emergency anti terrorist bill to enable him to shut down the internet for example. I haven't verified this but it wouldn't suprise me. What worries me is that it will be used against the American people trying to rise up against the oppression, taxation and utter destruction of the once strong and vibrant American Economy. The have already deployed over 300,000 active troops in the US in case of civil unrest.

They have enlisted the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts to fight against rebellous civilian or boycotting former veterans. (I hate to mention it but that sure sounds similar to Hitler's "Group Brain Wash" propaganda game.)

They have enlisted citizen spys, cable guys, fireman, local law enforcement, etc. to spy on American people in their homes... in the name of preventing Terrorism. 

The Cap and Trade Bill will be an even larger invasion of privacy.  A license for every Home in America, with a federal inspection paid for by the home owner that will the penalize and/or require repairs at the home owners expense.  Essentially making it illegal to live in your home and you will likely be incarcarated for non payment of ridiculous stacking penalties that will fund more and more environmental police.  But even worse is the huge money grab and destruction of the American Economy.   

Maybe they work for the Queen and we are going back to the mother land... I really don't know.  I also don't know exactly what we can do about it but I would suggest at least spreading the word even if youdo it skeptically to cover your ass if it is wrong. 

But what if it is right?

What if this is really all happening and in progress... how do we stop it?  I believe we must find the answer quickly.
Sorry to leave you probably depressed or you think I am a wacko.  Either way hopefully this material touched you somehow and together we can all make the USA and the Planet and the World a better place.  But that doesn't mean we all need one government.  That is just insane and extreamly scary to me.  We fought for our freedom once.  It sounds like we may have to do it again.    Check this stuff out yourself.  Let me know if I am wrong in statements or assumptions... I like a good debate and this topic should surely start one.  If anyone is reading anyway. 

On a more positive note.  I cashed in a retirement account to pay bills and property taxes.  I was going to take a few hundred dollars and invest in the FAPTurbo Forex Trading Robot Software and put a couple hundred dollars in a FOREX account and let it trade it.

Here is the product

My question after watching this video is what currency would one want to hold if it became obvious or eminent that a global currency would be adopted?  My guess is it will be unannounced and swift, enforced in a marshal law like fashion.    Ideally gold and/or silver.

If there is only one currency is there even a Forex Market?

Hi Alan hope at least you see it!  Scary shit huh?  Have a beer or two for me while crusing the seas!

Chris Ormsbee is a Realtor and a licensed Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado. He works for Century 21 Action Realty in Montrose Colorado. The office is located at 1245 E Main St. Montrose, CO 81401. The office number is (970) 249-7777.

Chris Ormsbee is NOT an Accountant, CPA, Lawyer, Surveyor, Structural Engineer, Political Reporter or a certified Financial Planner. He is a basically normal dude who is also trying to become a better internet marketer and actually make money selling information on the internet.

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