Thursday, February 25, 2010

Change, Challenge, New Opportunity, New Career!

Change, Challenge, New Opportunity, New Career!

What will 2010 hold for you?

These are all things we face in our lives whether we like them or not.  Unfortunately today, more than ever many are forced to face CHANGE in the face and quickly.
  • People are getting evicted from their homes in foreclosure and for being behind on rent.  
  • People are losing jobs.  
  • People aren't buying houses like they used to. 
  • People are facing steep inflation in the costs of living, without corresponding wages.   
  • People are sitting back and watching their own government dilute the value of their dollar by haphazard spending, budgets and flat our printing, combined with crooked bailouts, selective bank failures, etc. 
This isn't a Bush/Reagon vs Clinton/Obama problem, this is a problem created by an American political system and government that has gotten out of control and grown larger and less effective than it ever should of and simultaneously merged itself with crooked for profit businesses (mostly called banks) to take from the American people and stuff in the side pockets of their Jet Loungers.  I know I have frequently ranted about this subject, but it is a reality from where I am sitting.  Bloated government, stupid new forms and rules coming out almost daily to control and protect us... Why?  What was really wrong before they protected us?  How real was the problem?  How many people did it really affect?  How many people will the new law really affect?   Did these bailout really save anyone or anyones home, that wouldn't of been saved if left alone.   Short sales, Loan Modifications, and Foreclosures all existed long before this current debacle, yet, with quantity comes more lobbyists, that require new laws and practices and forms and interpretations and law suits to fight over the interpretations, etc. etc.

We need creative lean efficient government running our country, states, counties and cities and we need to pass down responsibility to these levels to the fullest extent possible.  It won't be easy because the system is so entrenched and has such deep roots, so many dependent on it for their jobs, etc.   But if the government would even start trimming based on performance (which probably isn't happening much), then I think we would start to see improvement.  I also think we should publicly execute the next lobbyist that trys to get some pork self serving item pushed into a bill or law.  I know we need lobbyist now even to accomplish noble things, but this is only true because we have lobbyists.  If we didn't have any lobbyists, if the act was basically illegal, then we wouldn't need them, the public servants of the people could listen directly to the people and make up their own damn minds and if we wrote understandable bills that weren't allowed to be any longer than 100 pages, we wouldn't need hundreds of "interpreters" that are also influenced by lobbyists and who is ever going to really check if anyone really ever really read the 1000+ page bill anyway.   (I digress on politics again!)   

Back to CHANGE.   

Regardless of where all this CHANGE came from we all face it right now!   

So what will we make of the CHANGE?  Sadness, poverty, "oh woe is me", depression, seclusion, surrender, etc. 


Will we try to do the "American Capitalistic Thing" and seize the opportunity?  Be positive, be innovative and creative, look for solutions to the new challenges and problems, look for new synergies and joint venture possibilities, new income opportunities, new cost saving measures, new technologies, new methods, new efficiencies.   We need to re-invent America and make it great once again... I think this will involve a substantial government colon cleansing, probably repeated several times to make sure the waste is eliminated efficiently.  Maybe if some of the old time cronies that are so well connected became unemployed and had to face the same reality as the citizens they supposedly represent (rather than their own retirement and medical plan "for life"), then they would realize how awful some of their policies, bills and laws really are.   Not sure its possible, but they might actually see the error of their ways and try to fix something with all their connections, rather than just suck off the government and American Taxpayers.

Give up or Go Forward?   

I intend to succeed or die trying!  

No I am not some psycho... my strength is primarily in my pen and my audience of readers I hope exists at least to some extent.

Currently being primarily a Realtor and an as of yet unsuccessful internet marketer of information or affiliate products, I too, am currently being faced with "CHANGE" but also recently "Opportunity".

I am staring it (CHANGE) right in the face and trying to decide what to do.

I actually know what I have to do!  And, I am going to do it, unless they tell me they don't want me to do it, but it is currently kind of a "shoe in" if I take it.

Basically I am extremely motivated for positive change, because I am financially desperate and don't want to further erode and waste away all my retirement savings and other assets that I have worked for in life just to survive.

Plus, I actually like being positive and creative more than being depressed, broke and sad.  Go figure.

 Last year, I made in gross commissions selling real estate less than 1/4th of what I spent to exist on earth (mostly in mandatory obligations - mortgages, credit cards, child support, std living expenses, fuel, insurance, some of my taxes - no fun money).   Thats before expenses, when I get my taxes done, I am sure I will have a huge loss, just for the privilege of selling real estate.  This just isn't working and I NEED CHANGE... GOOD CHANGE!

So I know I must seize it even though it will be full of challenges both tactical and emotional.

I love Montrose Colorado, but as I was telling my Real Estate partner Diane Haynes today, it is a great place to live, if you have money and time to enjoy it.  If your broke, its not the best place to look for an extra income of any substance.  Even a primary income can be very difficult to come by.

Not that anywhere is much better right now in the US there are some spots, but in general the job market sucks right now.  Across the country - College graduates cannot find jobs, laid off or retired professionals and executives cannot find jobs...  

Someone needs to make some jobs.  I would rather be one of those people making jobs, than someone sitting around waiting for someone to make one for me.

Montrose doesn't have a great diversity or depth in its employment options, so many people that come here will often bring their business with them.

I think Montrose is ideal for internet based businesses, or those that want or need relatively affordable labor without an extremely high cost of living and for any business that is able to market abroad and outside of the local area, otherwise right now is pretty tough going.  People don't have as much disposable cash to spend as freely as they did a year or two ago.

The avg priced home is probably about $200K right now for a 3bd, 2ba, 2ga house in a subdivision.   And there are screaming deals on fancy homes in the $350-800K range that might cost millions in other markets, like San Diego or Santa Cruz California.   I know cause I have been looking.

I have an awesome opportunity to help an international company expand into the United States creating jobs and opportunity here when we need it most!   And eventually I may even bring some opportunity home to Montrose.   Hopefully, sooner than later.

So... I will be traveling to Malaysia to the headquarters in March to meet with the CEO and other members of management and then will likely relocate to California at some point in early April.

CHANGE - that will be another big fast dose.  I am pretty entrenched in Montrose at the moment and its a crappy time to sell, so I will hang onto my house and rent it out.  If it all looks more permanent.  If things go well, I will be able to assist them in developing their structure and systems for the satellite operation in the US and then eventually return to Montrose, unless I decide I love California.  I do always crave the beach, but there I will likely crave the mountains.

The grass always looks greener from a distance.

So this being my most liberal, free form, free format blogging site, I suspect I will spend more time here and less in Real Estate.  So stay tuned.

By the way, I intend to maintain my Real Estate License and Realtor status with access to the MLS  in Colorado and a Second home somewhere or easy place to stay in Montrose...

I believe I will also be overseeing all of the Companies US Commercial Leasing in the United States to help ensure success, consistency, the best value and protection from risks and abuses in the Landlord Tenant lease relationship.

If we focus expansion on California for longer than the first 6 months, I may go ahead and get a license there as well, so I can directly negotiate on the companies or my own behalf.  I need to look into the process.  I believe it is a reciprocal state, that honors to some degree my license in Colorado.  I know some other dual state agents, I should visit with.

I will maintain my license and will still be able to do a limited amount of local Montrose Listing business, maybe "Internet Only for FSBO" or some other type of discount thing to compensate for the lack of direct on site personal experience, but more than likely I will focus on trying to generate a referral income source, by sending my leads and contacts to other agents to work with the clients in exchange for a small referral fee back from that agent.   I also don't plan to "give up" on real estate, I am not a quitter, thats why I have gone in so deep, but everyone in this business risks failure right now to some extent.  There are so many things beyond our control, controlling our ability to earn an income, it is just crazy....

So if you know me or even if you just like me and want my advice on Montrose or the properties and areas within it, coupled with another local Realtor, I will definitely be able to generate and get referral income by referring YOU, my friends and contacts to other qualified Realtors in Montrose, Colorado and other areas.  I may also still pursue my overall Real Estate Referral business, once I have time and capital.  So please keep me in mind if this sounds like it would work for you or someone you know.  I grew up in montrose from the 70s to early 80s and then moved back in 93 till apparently 2010.  So I know Montrose!

I will keep you posted.   What do you think I should do?  

Chris Ormsbee is a Realtor and a licensed Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado. He works for Century 21 Action Realty in Montrose Colorado. The office is located at 1245 E Main St. Montrose, CO 81401. The office number is (970) 249-7777.

Chris Ormsbee is NOT an Accountant, CPA, Lawyer, Surveyor, Structural Engineer, Political Reporter or a certified Financial Planner. He is a basically normal dude who is also trying to become a better internet marketer and actually make money selling information on the internet.

Check out other ramblings and stuff as well at:
Real Estate Blogs:
Divorce Advice Blog:
This Wacky Blog:
Search for Montrose Colorado Real Estate at

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Gun Control - Extermination of Defenseless People Isn't Predjudice!

Gun Control -
Extermination of Defenseless People
Isn't Predjudice!

I just received an email from a good friend about Gun Control and it asked me to forward it on and I will to several people, but I can't just pump stuff like that out to my email address database, so I decided to convert the email content into a blog post.  I hope you like it. 

I don't know about you or your feelings toward gun control.  I personally think it is ridiculous. 

If you control guns only the criminals will have them... They don't care if they are legal or not, they are criminals...


This little bit of Gun History came to me via an email...
I haven't checked out the specific numbers but know
many of the cases of extermination by government
from my history classes growing up.

After reading the following historical facts,
read the part about Switzerland TWICE!


In 1911, Turkey
established gun control.
From 1915 to 1917,
1.5 million Armenians,
unable to defend themselves,
were rounded up and exterminated.

In 1929, The Soviet Union
established gun control..
From 1929 to 1953,
about 20 million dissidents,
unable to defend themselves,
were rounded up and exterminated.

In 1935, China
established gun control.
From 1948 to 1952,
20 million political dissidents,
unable to defend themselves,
were rounded up and exterminated

In 1938, Germany
established gun control.
from 1939 to 1945,
a total of 13 million Jews and
others who were unable
to defend themselves were
rounded up and exterminated.

In 1964, Guatemala
established gun control
From 1964 to 1981,
100,000 Mayan Indians,
unable to defend themselves,
were rounded up and exterminated.

In 1956, Cambodia
established gun control.
From 1975 to 1977,
one million educated people,
unable to defend themselves,
were rounded up and exterminated.

In 1970, Uganda
established gun control.
From 1971 to 1979,
300,000 Christians,
unable to defend themselves,
were rounded up and exterminated

Defenseless people
rounded up and exterminated
in the 20th Century
because of gun
control: 56 million.

You won't see this data on
the US evening news,
or hear politicians disseminating
this information.

Guns in the hands of honest citizens
save lives and property and,
yes, gun-control laws adversely affect
only the law-abiding citizens!

Take note my fellow Americans,
before it's too late!

The next time someone
talks in favor of gun control,
please remind them of this history



During WWII the Japanese decided not to invade
America because they knew
most Americans were ARMED!

If you value your freedom,
please spread this
anti-gun control message to
all of your friends.

The purpose of fighting is to win.
There is no possible victory in

The sword is more important than the shield,
and skill is more important than either.

All else is supplemental.












Ok a little rant from me.  I don't like or support gun control.  I actually advocate every adult over the age of 18 or at least every family having a gun for personal protection from bad guys and potentially from our government, if and when the decide to strip this and other essential freedoms from us in their ultimate goal to "control our minds" the ultimate weapon...

Would love to hear your comments and remember, we are proud to be Americans!  The land of the FREE!
We sport our flags proudly, we speak our minds freely (or we used to - until people started getting added to potential terrorist lists for making posts like this... [Hi FBI, CIA, NSA.. BTW I am friendly]).

So even if you don't personally want to own a gun or you or a family member was injured as a result of a gun, keep in mind what you are either allowing to happen or even worse what you might be advocating.  If you don't want one, ask your neighbor to buy a couple of extras...  Call your Congressman!  Call your Senator.  Write a letter.  Copy this blog post (I stole the flag pics off the web, tried to get from gov't sites... but they aren't mine...)

Keep our freedoms and keep our flag high.  FREEDOM is the Greatest Thing we have in America! 


It is being eroded daily with new laws, bills, comittees, etc.   Lets not let them take the peoples guns.

I really don't feel like being exterminated!  Do YOU?

Chris Ormsbee is a Realtor and a licensed Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado. He works for Century 21 Action Realty in Montrose Colorado. The office is located at 1245 E Main St. Montrose, CO 81401. The office number is (970) 249-7777.

Chris Ormsbee is NOT an Accountant, CPA, Lawyer, Surveyor, Structural Engineer, Political Reporter or a certified Financial Planner. He is a basically normal dude who is also trying to become a better internet marketer and actually make money selling information on the internet.

Check out other ramblings and stuff as well at:
Facebook: ChrisOrmsbee
Real Estate Blogs:
Divorce Advice Blog:
This Wacky Blog:

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Star Wars 2009 - The Fall of the Republic -- or -- Money Grab - Fall of the USA

Star Wars 2009 - The Fall of the Republic -- or -- Money Grab - Fall of the USA

The tough thing about this blog post is the title... I am just not sure what to call it.

This shocking video I just watched outlined so many problems and concerns with some of the systems and fraudulent practices we have going on in society and government in general.

How does Henry Paulson (Secretary of the Treasury) get an ethics waiver (From the white house legal staff)? 

Why do Al Gore and Ben Bernanke both claim they have no involvement with Banks when there is factual evidence showing otherwise?

Why do the American people "Bail Out" the banks that caused the problem and then end up suffering for it, both now with tighten credt and draconian banking practices taking place with credit card companies and commercial banks?  Plus we will suffer far into the future.  We may never "recover" in our life time... 

All from a few puppet mens decisions controlled by powerful banking cartels of the uber wealthy. 

Watch this shocking video on YouTube

This video is a brain dump of my feelings of our government and its apparent lack of control or interest in looking out for the American people.

I was encouraged to see SOME of our congressmen and senators fighting for what is right. An Audit of the Federal Reserve Bank (probably will end up in imprisonment for at least the last three federal reserve chairman.)

A nationalization or re-governmentation of the Federal Reserve and or the Backing of our money. A pledge to avoid and refuse a global currency, or even continental currency. The Amero, The Euro or a global dollar, controlled outside of our country.

Then there is the Carbon Tax issue. What a scam!

I could go on and on, but this video greatly disturbed me because it contains all of my fears that we are in Star Wars 2009 and fighting for the Republic's survival and we are sitting back watching our football games, tv shows, movies or playing dumb games on the internet to distract us from the reality that we are being robbed in plain daylight by our government, by the Federal Reserve, by the Banks and by the Ultra huge corporations that control our society.

It makes me wonder what Ken Lay and Bernie Maddof did to piss someone off to even be called out or prosecuted, because if even 1/4 of what is in this video is true is is the biggest fraudulent money grab and scam of all of history.  And it seems that hardly anyone sees it coming.  Their propaganda machine of the Republicans an Democrats and the Sports and the Crime on TV and the Cops stopping the Crime on TV, the news the comedy all of it at least potentially designed to take our eye off the ball so we don't see them kick it past us.

In this video I discovered lots of I didn't know thats:

Like Obama sat as the Chairman of the UN Security Council served essentially as the "President" of the world for several days. For the first time ever and of course because it is illegal to do so. But it is instrumental in his act to "Save the Dollar" from the "Crisis" they created by "Dumping the Dollar for a Global Currency". I cannot believe this is even being talked about. Particularly if it is planned to be run as so many current monetary systems modeled after our faulty system that has no real basis (typically gold) for its money. It is strictly faith based.

Americans will be impovershed and enslaved and will be divided into two distinct classes surfs or servants whos lives do not matter.

That FEMA is building more detention camps.  That Obama is passing gun laws and extended detention laws to allow the government to detain people to prevent them from committing crimes they haven't yet comitted.  WTF?

It may happen slowly or it may happen fast, but it sure seems to be on the fast track.

We need to stand up and refuse to let it happen now! Before they get a stronger foothold and it becomes impossible. 

I didn't know the President had enacted an emergency anti terrorist bill to enable him to shut down the internet for example. I haven't verified this but it wouldn't suprise me. What worries me is that it will be used against the American people trying to rise up against the oppression, taxation and utter destruction of the once strong and vibrant American Economy. The have already deployed over 300,000 active troops in the US in case of civil unrest.

They have enlisted the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts to fight against rebellous civilian or boycotting former veterans. (I hate to mention it but that sure sounds similar to Hitler's "Group Brain Wash" propaganda game.)

They have enlisted citizen spys, cable guys, fireman, local law enforcement, etc. to spy on American people in their homes... in the name of preventing Terrorism. 

The Cap and Trade Bill will be an even larger invasion of privacy.  A license for every Home in America, with a federal inspection paid for by the home owner that will the penalize and/or require repairs at the home owners expense.  Essentially making it illegal to live in your home and you will likely be incarcarated for non payment of ridiculous stacking penalties that will fund more and more environmental police.  But even worse is the huge money grab and destruction of the American Economy.   

Maybe they work for the Queen and we are going back to the mother land... I really don't know.  I also don't know exactly what we can do about it but I would suggest at least spreading the word even if youdo it skeptically to cover your ass if it is wrong. 

But what if it is right?

What if this is really all happening and in progress... how do we stop it?  I believe we must find the answer quickly.
Sorry to leave you probably depressed or you think I am a wacko.  Either way hopefully this material touched you somehow and together we can all make the USA and the Planet and the World a better place.  But that doesn't mean we all need one government.  That is just insane and extreamly scary to me.  We fought for our freedom once.  It sounds like we may have to do it again.    Check this stuff out yourself.  Let me know if I am wrong in statements or assumptions... I like a good debate and this topic should surely start one.  If anyone is reading anyway. 

On a more positive note.  I cashed in a retirement account to pay bills and property taxes.  I was going to take a few hundred dollars and invest in the FAPTurbo Forex Trading Robot Software and put a couple hundred dollars in a FOREX account and let it trade it.

Here is the product

My question after watching this video is what currency would one want to hold if it became obvious or eminent that a global currency would be adopted?  My guess is it will be unannounced and swift, enforced in a marshal law like fashion.    Ideally gold and/or silver.

If there is only one currency is there even a Forex Market?

Hi Alan hope at least you see it!  Scary shit huh?  Have a beer or two for me while crusing the seas!

Chris Ormsbee is a Realtor and a licensed Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado. He works for Century 21 Action Realty in Montrose Colorado. The office is located at 1245 E Main St. Montrose, CO 81401. The office number is (970) 249-7777.

Chris Ormsbee is NOT an Accountant, CPA, Lawyer, Surveyor, Structural Engineer, Political Reporter or a certified Financial Planner. He is a basically normal dude who is also trying to become a better internet marketer and actually make money selling information on the internet.

Check out other ramblings and stuff as well at:
Facebook: ChrisOrmsbee
Real Estate Blogs:
Divorce Advice Blog:
This Wacky Blog:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Extraordinary Minds Come Together to Share with You!

Extraordinary Minds Come Together to Share with You!

Skip it and Click it:  Sign Me up for "The League of Extraordinary Minds"
Rich Schefren and Jay Abraham are orchestrating an Incredible Brain Bank to share over 50 of the worlds most extraordinary marketing and business minds.

It is actually called "The League of Extraordinary Minds"...

TheseExtraordinary Minds include:
Jay Conrad Levinson | Stephen Covey | Michael Gerber | Brian Tracy |
Jack Trout | Robert Cialdini | Tony Robbins | Fran Tarkenton |
Neil Fiore | Dan Ariely | Gary Vaynerchuk | Kevin Hogan | Al Reis |
Paul Zane Pilzer | Joseph Jaffe | Julie Morgenstern | Spencer Johnson |
Sergio Zyman | Michael Masterson | Barry Schwartz | Russell Granger |
Dan Hill | Michael Bosworth | Pam Danziger | Christophe Morin |
Ori Brafman | Joseph Jaffe | Dr. Paul Shoemaker | Bert Decker |
Paul Cherry | Vicki Kunkel | Bo Burlingham | Eric Flamholtz |
Kerry Patterson | Lou Adler | Brad Smart | Marilyn Tam | Jan Yager |
Nancy Ratey | Dave Crenshaw | Jim Murphy | Josh Waitzkin | Dan Millman |
Kathy Kolbe | Tom McCarthy | Marshall Thurber | Marshall Goldsmith |
Joseph Grenny | Jeffrey Pfeffer | Sam Deep | Tony Jeary | Herb Cohen |
Greg Hicks | John Kotter

Now I don't even know some of these folks, but if Rich Schefren and Jay Abraham are promoting this I know it will be hot and full of great business building and fresh marketing advice and ideas.

I bolded the Extraordinary People and Minds that I know above, but the fact that I don't know many of these guys excites me even more.  Fresh material for my brain to absorb....

So join me in this big Mind Meld!

So sign up now for your 6 weeks of extraordinary mastermind FREE seminar series. Just click here:

Extraordinary Mind Seminar

Chris Ormsbee is a Realtor and a licensed Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado. He works for Century 21 Action Realty in Montrose Colorado. The office is located at 1245 E Main St. Montrose, CO 81401. The office number is (970) 249-7777.

Chris Ormsbee is NOT an Accountant, CPA, Lawyer, Surveyor, Structural Engineer, Political Reporter or a certified Financial Planner. He is a basically normal dude who is also trying to become a better internet marketer and actually make money selling information on the internet.

Check out other ramblings and stuff as well at:
Real Estate Blogs:
Divorce Advice Blog:
This Wacky Blog:

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I love Tiger Direct for Computers and Electronics

I love Tiger Direct to buy all my Computers and Electronics

I love it so much, I decided I should put their link up in my blog. This link will show the deals of the week for a long time, so it remains good.

So go ahead and click the link above and shop your heart out!

Chris Ormsbee is a Realtor and a licensed Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado. He works for Century 21 Action Realty in Montrose Colorado. The office is located at 1245 E Main St. Montrose, CO 81401. The office number is (970) 249-7777.

Chris Ormsbee is NOT an Accountant, CPA, Lawyer, Surveyor, Structural Engineer, Political Reporter or a certified Financial Planner. He is a basically normal dude who is also trying to become a better internet marketer and actually make money selling information on the internet.

Check out other ramblings and stuff as well at:
Real Estate Blogs:
Divorce Advice Blog:
This Wacky Blog:

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Credit Crisis and Home Loans in America

Do we have a Credit Crisis especially on Home Loans in America?

As a Realtor, I am relatively certain that Credit is significantly tighter than it used to be a few years back. I also think I would also label it as "Crisis Level" especially for home loans!

You might be thinking or saying "Duh" or "Duh Dad" as my kids would say.

I try to read a lot of financial advisory kind of stuff, somewhat haphazardly and Internet directed (like front page of yahoo home page or misc news found on social sites like face book and twitter, often followed up by further links or googling of a topic...)  And this stuff is all over the place as far as analysis and advise, so its kind of hard sometime to really know what to think.

So I thought I will throw in my two cents... Thats why I have a blog.  

From where I am sitting, there is no doubt that there has been a significant tightening of standards on both credit score and income to debt ratios as well as appraisals.  The entire Home Loan process has gotten to be a "significant hurdle" to a Realtor's transaction going through, that would be my income we are talking about. 

Considering my recently decreased income, due to the lack of availability of "qualifiable" home buyers and the fact that for every one buyer we get we send away 10 buyers that would like to get a loan if they could, but they are too high of credit risk, too low of credit score, they might not have enough income, or enough provable and documented income, they might of been born in September when they are only loaning to people born in July...  Ok I am being a bit sarcastic and the lending institutions and banks have a right to want a better quality product, but I believe the pendulum may have swung too far.

The problem is in the past so many Americans relied on Credit Cards in down times and now in these down times, these credit card companies have gone wacko on us... They are raising interest rates at the drop of a hat for being one day late on a payment that was more than the minimum required (I know because it happened to me!).

Many of you probably know, but just in case, if you average or current balance exceeds 50% of your credit limit than you credit score gets docked at Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union and the other Credit Reporting Bureaus.  This reduced score as a result of your lower credit limits can reduce your ability to get a home loan, or make that home loan cost you more...  They get you coming or going!

Credit Card companies have been slashing peoples credit limits, many following down payments on large balances, effectively “freezing the card” and many just halving the allowable credit on customers with no balance at all.

Many speculate that Credit Tightening Crisis we are experiencing is part of the banks repositioning to ensure greater stability.  Many speculate it is a big money grab or "bank grab" by the Federal Government or the rich.  I really don't know!

I understand the goal of safe and stable but I question their overall logic. If they cause massive losses and bankruptcies who will they lend to and who will have money to save in their accounts?

The Rich I suppose! But the rich don't get service charges and fees, they don't bounce checks and they want a good return on their money, so where will the bank put their money to get this return? The Rich don't want to borrow it at the ridiculous bank rates that the bank needs to pay the Rich what they expect on a deposit account. So how will the Banks make any money?

The Banks, Credit Card Companies and the Home Loan Industry NEED the average Joe and Jill of America to pay all the loan fees, monthly account fees, overdraft fees, mortgage interest, credit card interest, etc.

My thought is with the current combined effect of personal lines of credit, credit cards being tightened simultaneously with no way for people to use their homes to refinance some of this debt, you will see a growing number of bankruptcies and further foreclosures and homes for sale or on the auction block, due to the inability for the consumer to maneuver like the banks and even our government maneuver, with credit (or a printing press).

Check out this cool site someone pointed out that shows the time line of the banks and I believe their market cap. I played with it for about 30 minutes.

Maybe the Rich may just let the Banks fail, buy up all the assets and then open up their own new banks and mortgage companies to give of us average folks home loans and credit cards and a place to have a checking account. 

Or maybe the Government will take over and instantly implement total socialism, taking over all private industry and giving us all "cushy" government jobs, with a National ID card we can use for everything from food to health care. 

Maybe you can get rich trading currencies on the Forex

What do you think?

Chris Ormsbee is a Realtor and a licensed Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado. He works for Century 21 Action Realty in Montrose Colorado. The office is located at 1245 E Main St. Montrose, CO 81401. The office number is (970) 249-7777.

Chris Ormsbee is NOT an Accountant, CPA, Lawyer, Surveyor, Structural Engineer, Political Reporter or a certified Financial Planner. He is a basically normal dude who is also trying to become a better internet marketer and actually make money selling information on the internet.

Check out other ramblings and stuff as well at:


Real Estate Blogs:

Divorce Advice Blog:

This Wacky Blog:

Friday, September 18, 2009

Obama Calls Kanye West a Jack Ass - I agree!

"Obama Calls Kanye West a Jack Ass"

Watching Insider... Scary but important life changing stuff... hahaha

They played the tape where Obama calls Kanye a Jack Ass.

I say So What?

Obama calls Kanye West a Jack Ass and the tape is leaked... 

I don't see what the big deal is Kanye was a "Jack Ass" to go up and screw with Taylor Swift receiving her award.  President Obama did not think he was "on tape" or at least "on tape that would be used".  He even said "cut the President some slack".

I still say no big deal other than it is detracting from important issues.  At least he isn't redefining the meaning of sex like President Clinton did...  I bet Monica could of used this book to keep bill happy...

As one reporter or person suggested Kanye was on the Hennessy.  He looked kinda trashed to me on the tapes I saw...  I would suspect that was a big part of it... the Alcohol and over the brimming self confidence!

"The Insider" then speculates if the Media is turning on the "once popular" Obama...  but goes on to say that Politico (the owner of the tape) takes video tape of President Obama off their web site.  But "The Insider" played a copy...

Next on Oprah discusses her relationship and why it works defined on her own terms... says it would be different if she was in a traditional "marriage" relationship.

Chris Ormsbee is a license Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado, but he is also a person and an Internet Marketer.

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