Thursday, February 25, 2010

Change, Challenge, New Opportunity, New Career!

Change, Challenge, New Opportunity, New Career!

What will 2010 hold for you?

These are all things we face in our lives whether we like them or not.  Unfortunately today, more than ever many are forced to face CHANGE in the face and quickly.
  • People are getting evicted from their homes in foreclosure and for being behind on rent.  
  • People are losing jobs.  
  • People aren't buying houses like they used to. 
  • People are facing steep inflation in the costs of living, without corresponding wages.   
  • People are sitting back and watching their own government dilute the value of their dollar by haphazard spending, budgets and flat our printing, combined with crooked bailouts, selective bank failures, etc. 
This isn't a Bush/Reagon vs Clinton/Obama problem, this is a problem created by an American political system and government that has gotten out of control and grown larger and less effective than it ever should of and simultaneously merged itself with crooked for profit businesses (mostly called banks) to take from the American people and stuff in the side pockets of their Jet Loungers.  I know I have frequently ranted about this subject, but it is a reality from where I am sitting.  Bloated government, stupid new forms and rules coming out almost daily to control and protect us... Why?  What was really wrong before they protected us?  How real was the problem?  How many people did it really affect?  How many people will the new law really affect?   Did these bailout really save anyone or anyones home, that wouldn't of been saved if left alone.   Short sales, Loan Modifications, and Foreclosures all existed long before this current debacle, yet, with quantity comes more lobbyists, that require new laws and practices and forms and interpretations and law suits to fight over the interpretations, etc. etc.

We need creative lean efficient government running our country, states, counties and cities and we need to pass down responsibility to these levels to the fullest extent possible.  It won't be easy because the system is so entrenched and has such deep roots, so many dependent on it for their jobs, etc.   But if the government would even start trimming based on performance (which probably isn't happening much), then I think we would start to see improvement.  I also think we should publicly execute the next lobbyist that trys to get some pork self serving item pushed into a bill or law.  I know we need lobbyist now even to accomplish noble things, but this is only true because we have lobbyists.  If we didn't have any lobbyists, if the act was basically illegal, then we wouldn't need them, the public servants of the people could listen directly to the people and make up their own damn minds and if we wrote understandable bills that weren't allowed to be any longer than 100 pages, we wouldn't need hundreds of "interpreters" that are also influenced by lobbyists and who is ever going to really check if anyone really ever really read the 1000+ page bill anyway.   (I digress on politics again!)   

Back to CHANGE.   

Regardless of where all this CHANGE came from we all face it right now!   

So what will we make of the CHANGE?  Sadness, poverty, "oh woe is me", depression, seclusion, surrender, etc. 


Will we try to do the "American Capitalistic Thing" and seize the opportunity?  Be positive, be innovative and creative, look for solutions to the new challenges and problems, look for new synergies and joint venture possibilities, new income opportunities, new cost saving measures, new technologies, new methods, new efficiencies.   We need to re-invent America and make it great once again... I think this will involve a substantial government colon cleansing, probably repeated several times to make sure the waste is eliminated efficiently.  Maybe if some of the old time cronies that are so well connected became unemployed and had to face the same reality as the citizens they supposedly represent (rather than their own retirement and medical plan "for life"), then they would realize how awful some of their policies, bills and laws really are.   Not sure its possible, but they might actually see the error of their ways and try to fix something with all their connections, rather than just suck off the government and American Taxpayers.

Give up or Go Forward?   

I intend to succeed or die trying!  

No I am not some psycho... my strength is primarily in my pen and my audience of readers I hope exists at least to some extent.

Currently being primarily a Realtor and an as of yet unsuccessful internet marketer of information or affiliate products, I too, am currently being faced with "CHANGE" but also recently "Opportunity".

I am staring it (CHANGE) right in the face and trying to decide what to do.

I actually know what I have to do!  And, I am going to do it, unless they tell me they don't want me to do it, but it is currently kind of a "shoe in" if I take it.

Basically I am extremely motivated for positive change, because I am financially desperate and don't want to further erode and waste away all my retirement savings and other assets that I have worked for in life just to survive.

Plus, I actually like being positive and creative more than being depressed, broke and sad.  Go figure.

 Last year, I made in gross commissions selling real estate less than 1/4th of what I spent to exist on earth (mostly in mandatory obligations - mortgages, credit cards, child support, std living expenses, fuel, insurance, some of my taxes - no fun money).   Thats before expenses, when I get my taxes done, I am sure I will have a huge loss, just for the privilege of selling real estate.  This just isn't working and I NEED CHANGE... GOOD CHANGE!

So I know I must seize it even though it will be full of challenges both tactical and emotional.

I love Montrose Colorado, but as I was telling my Real Estate partner Diane Haynes today, it is a great place to live, if you have money and time to enjoy it.  If your broke, its not the best place to look for an extra income of any substance.  Even a primary income can be very difficult to come by.

Not that anywhere is much better right now in the US there are some spots, but in general the job market sucks right now.  Across the country - College graduates cannot find jobs, laid off or retired professionals and executives cannot find jobs...  

Someone needs to make some jobs.  I would rather be one of those people making jobs, than someone sitting around waiting for someone to make one for me.

Montrose doesn't have a great diversity or depth in its employment options, so many people that come here will often bring their business with them.

I think Montrose is ideal for internet based businesses, or those that want or need relatively affordable labor without an extremely high cost of living and for any business that is able to market abroad and outside of the local area, otherwise right now is pretty tough going.  People don't have as much disposable cash to spend as freely as they did a year or two ago.

The avg priced home is probably about $200K right now for a 3bd, 2ba, 2ga house in a subdivision.   And there are screaming deals on fancy homes in the $350-800K range that might cost millions in other markets, like San Diego or Santa Cruz California.   I know cause I have been looking.

I have an awesome opportunity to help an international company expand into the United States creating jobs and opportunity here when we need it most!   And eventually I may even bring some opportunity home to Montrose.   Hopefully, sooner than later.

So... I will be traveling to Malaysia to the headquarters in March to meet with the CEO and other members of management and then will likely relocate to California at some point in early April.

CHANGE - that will be another big fast dose.  I am pretty entrenched in Montrose at the moment and its a crappy time to sell, so I will hang onto my house and rent it out.  If it all looks more permanent.  If things go well, I will be able to assist them in developing their structure and systems for the satellite operation in the US and then eventually return to Montrose, unless I decide I love California.  I do always crave the beach, but there I will likely crave the mountains.

The grass always looks greener from a distance.

So this being my most liberal, free form, free format blogging site, I suspect I will spend more time here and less in Real Estate.  So stay tuned.

By the way, I intend to maintain my Real Estate License and Realtor status with access to the MLS  in Colorado and a Second home somewhere or easy place to stay in Montrose...

I believe I will also be overseeing all of the Companies US Commercial Leasing in the United States to help ensure success, consistency, the best value and protection from risks and abuses in the Landlord Tenant lease relationship.

If we focus expansion on California for longer than the first 6 months, I may go ahead and get a license there as well, so I can directly negotiate on the companies or my own behalf.  I need to look into the process.  I believe it is a reciprocal state, that honors to some degree my license in Colorado.  I know some other dual state agents, I should visit with.

I will maintain my license and will still be able to do a limited amount of local Montrose Listing business, maybe "Internet Only for FSBO" or some other type of discount thing to compensate for the lack of direct on site personal experience, but more than likely I will focus on trying to generate a referral income source, by sending my leads and contacts to other agents to work with the clients in exchange for a small referral fee back from that agent.   I also don't plan to "give up" on real estate, I am not a quitter, thats why I have gone in so deep, but everyone in this business risks failure right now to some extent.  There are so many things beyond our control, controlling our ability to earn an income, it is just crazy....

So if you know me or even if you just like me and want my advice on Montrose or the properties and areas within it, coupled with another local Realtor, I will definitely be able to generate and get referral income by referring YOU, my friends and contacts to other qualified Realtors in Montrose, Colorado and other areas.  I may also still pursue my overall Real Estate Referral business, once I have time and capital.  So please keep me in mind if this sounds like it would work for you or someone you know.  I grew up in montrose from the 70s to early 80s and then moved back in 93 till apparently 2010.  So I know Montrose!

I will keep you posted.   What do you think I should do?  

Chris Ormsbee is a Realtor and a licensed Real Estate Broker in the State of Colorado. He works for Century 21 Action Realty in Montrose Colorado. The office is located at 1245 E Main St. Montrose, CO 81401. The office number is (970) 249-7777.

Chris Ormsbee is NOT an Accountant, CPA, Lawyer, Surveyor, Structural Engineer, Political Reporter or a certified Financial Planner. He is a basically normal dude who is also trying to become a better internet marketer and actually make money selling information on the internet.

Check out other ramblings and stuff as well at:
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Divorce Advice Blog:
This Wacky Blog:
Search for Montrose Colorado Real Estate at

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